Chapter Twenty

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Harry woke up with a shock, confused as he looked around. He was alone, in Eilidh's bed, without her. He looked at his watch and groaned, rubbing his eyes. He had been asleep for almost fourteen hours.
Heaving himself out of bed, he padded through the flat to where he found Eilidh sitting on her couch, nursing what looked like a cup of tea.
"Hi", she said softly.
"Hi", Harry croaked. He made to sit next to her, then thought better of it, and took the chair opposite, rubbing his knees. "Can we talk about...everything?"

Eilidh nodded. She still looked tired, and wouldn't meet his eyes. Harry felt sick.
"I know...that this has been a total nightmare the last few days. And I know that most of it has been my fault", Harry cleared his throat, daring a glance at Eilidh, who was staring steadfastly down into her teacup. "But, Eil, you have to let me explain, babe...I would never dream of cheating on you love", Harry involuntarily left his seat and came to kneel in front of her on the floor. He prised her hands from her cup and took them in his, rubbing her fingers with his, his chest becoming tight again with anxiety. "I went to a party with never looks good when they photograph us like that...when...when-", Harry was gasping for breath now, and took a minute to try to calm himself.
Eilidh was looking away, now out the window, and when he looked up, he felt something shatter in his chest. Even with her hands in his, and less than a metre between them he felt like she was far away, like she was already gone. He took a deep breath, desperate but determined to keep his dignity.
"And I'm sorry about the Rudy thing. I should have told you. But I don't like someone else kissing you, best friend or not. I don't really care if you love him as a mate. It's not ok. But I shouldn't have went to him behind your back. For that I'm sorry".
Eilidh finally looked at him, and her eyes were hollow. She pulled him up next to her on the couch, and attempted to search through her garbled mind for words.
"Harry", she began, and he leaned away from her suddenly, holding his hand up. He then put both over his eyes, and Eilidh stared, her hands shaking, unable to stop her eyes from filling with tears.
"If you're gonna break up with me, do it quickly", Harry gasped from behind his hands, his voice muffled.
Eilidh sighed, shaking her head, and prised his hands away from his face to look at him. "That's not what I want Harry", she said firmly. "I just...", she let the tears overflow, and Harry, his arms like jelly from the relief that it wasn't over, placed them gently around her.
"I just...", Eilidh tried desperately to find her voice. "I think there's been so much drama babe...", she dropped her eyes to pick at her pyjamas. "I know that it isn't all from us, but from outside parties, but I just...I need a break babe", she lifted her head, and Harry nodded, his hand over his mouth, not looking at her.
"I feel like this has all happened so fast", she gestured between them. "And maybe we weren't...ready for it all to happen so quickly. I don't want to lose you Harry", she took a deep breath. "But I need some time to breathe, some time apart. A couple of weeks, maybe. Then I'd like to...start again?", she finished tentatively.
Harry exhaled, heavily, finally looking up at her, his eyes betraying him, and overflowing with tears.

Eilidh hiccuped on her own sobs, shuffling towards him on the couch, only for him to stand, and almost stumble. "I have to go", he ground out, and Eilidh watched as he stood, his long legs hardly seeming to support his weight and disappear into the bedroom. He finally reappeared and Eilidh gazed up at him, tears streaming down her face.
"Can I call you?", he asked, no longer caring about crying, so sore was his chest and heart.
Eilidh nodded, and Harry turned on his heel and left.

Eilidh stared at the door, before curling into a ball on the couch. Stuffing the cuff of her sweater into her mouth, she closed her eyes and sobbed.
Harry wandered through Harrods with Zayn, bored and uninterested. He felt as though the merry Christmas lights that blinked and twinkled were mocking him, so far removed was he from the festive spirit.

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