Chapter Eleven

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Gem”, Harry’s face broke into a grin as he walked briskly through customs and answered his phone to his sister. He breathed deeply, swearing blind that England had a better smell than anywhere else, even the gaudy shops and stalls of Heathrow made him feel fuzzy inside. He had been in Australia almost three months, and home had never looked, or felt sweeter.

“Alright H”, he could hear the smile in Gemma’s voice as she spoke, and was excited to see her. Since he had been in Australia she had moved down to London, to begin her first job since university, a correspondent at The Book Agency, a modelling and acting recruitment company  in the city. She had made it out to Australia for ten days at the very beginning of his trip, and they text frequently, but it had probably been the longest he had been away from her in years…maybe even since X Factor, he mused. “Landed I take it?” she asked down the phone and he grinned when he saw Olly at the gate, waiting for him.

“Yep”, Harry replied, mouthing hello to Olly and giving him a clap on the back.“Just got Ol, by the time I get washed and changed, it will probably be about seven before I make it out”.

Gemma had organised a night out to celebrate Harry’s return with some of their closest friends, Lou and Tom included, as well as Nick Grimshaw, Daisy Lowe, and Sam Teasdale, Lou’s twin sister, whom Gemma was currently living with.

“Urghhh”, Gemma groaned. “Mate, I am gutted, but I’m not in London tonight. I got a call out this afternoon. I’m in Dublin, just for the night. Can catch up tomorrow though?”

Harry felt his mood visibly droop when he heard this, and sighed heavily. He loved his friends but he was most looking forward to seeing his sister, and telling her all about Eilidh and his new relationship. He knew that if it was splashed all over the papers in Australia, then it certainly would be in the UK as well, and he always liked to try to tell his mum and Gemma his own version of stories before they became bitter and twisted.

“Ah”, he said into the phone, trying to sound amiable. “That’s a shame. Was looking forward to seeing you”.

“Me too”, Gemma said regretfully. “I have a feeling you have some stuff to tell me”, she teased, and Harry laughed.

“Big time”, he agreed.

“Listen, the gang will be at Groucho regardless. I booked a booth, go along and have fun. The paps might not know that you’re home yet, you might get a free run”, Gemma said hopefully.

Harry sighed, looking at the revolving doors at the main entrance to the airport and the horde of photographers swarming and pushing there. “I wouldn’t bank on that”, he said, barking out a dry laugh, and trying not to sound despondent. “But cheers, Gem. Call me when you’re home. Love you”.

“Love you, H”.

Harry clicked off his phone, pulled his fedora further down over his eyes and stepped out behind Olly into the madness that was his life.


“Hi, baby”, Eilidh was in a rush, all but running up the stairs of her tenement building, before plunging her key into the lock and clattering into the flat. “Landed safe?”

“Yeah”, Harry smiled slowly in amusement at her flustered tone. “What the hell are you doing?” he chuckled down the phone.

“I’m so late”, Eilidh lamented, throwing her bags in a corner and stripping off to her underwear in the kitchen. “I have to be at the Rebellion gig in twenty minutes, I told Al I would take pictures-“

“Take pictures?”, Harry interrupted her. He was in his house by now, which felt echoing and chamber-like, still and silent. He sat at his kitchen island with his chin on his chest, twisting a banana back and forth in his hand.

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