chapter two

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In the tent,the atmosphere was so thick that Eilidh felt as though she was walled in a tunnel of sex,her body humming under Harry’s feverish fingers. His hands were huge but skilled as they raked over her,light as a feather but still able to make her skin burn,as she writhed beneath him. Her hips raised to meet his,again and again,the girl between his legs making her moan with need and anticipation. Eilidh’s thoughts were cloudy as she ran her fingers over Harry’s back, gasping at the tightness she felt beneath her hands,the knots of his muscles flexing under her palms,as she swept them over the wide planes of his shoulder blades,down to his waist where her fingertips brushed his waist and felt the hard muscles of his stomach.  Harry’s right hand was angled in her hair,while the other cupped her jaw tightly,his thumb sweeping across the apple of her cheekbones as his tongue swept hers strongly,making her whimper.  She felt completely at his mercy,and it occurred to her fuddled brain that se had never felt a man handle her so firmly before.  Harry suddenly shifted his position making her gasp, as he held himself up by his hands,his palms splayed on the tent floor on either side of her head. His hips lowered down towards hers, and for the first time he pulled his lips back from hers,staring down into Eilidh’s eyes. His head swam as he looked down at her,overcome with how much he wanted her,and his arms began to shake.  Eilidh looked up at him in awe,unable to think straight and comprehend how stunning he was. She reached up and tentatively touched his face in wonder,their eye contact never breaking. Unable to wait,she pulled his lips back down to hers to melt together,more urgent this time.  Eilidh gasped in surprise when Harry suddenly disappeared from above her,a whine of disappointment escaping from her lips. He rocked back on the balls of his feet and looked down at her,his shaking hand covering his mouth. She gazed up at him,feeling oddly rejected as she twisted her tee shirt to cover her bare navel,suddenly wishing that her knickers weren’t on display and her thighs weren’t bare.  Harry took a few well-needed breaths before he spoke,his eyes never leaving her face. “This,er”,he stuttered,using his hand to gesture between them. He cleared his throat,his voice a growling baritone. He struggled to collect his garbled thoughts,a smirk making his dimple pop,his hand still pressed to his lips as he tried to regain his composure.  “You’re lovely”,he finally managed to say. Eilidh held her breath, certain this would then be followed up with a “but”.

"I’d like to…maybe do this right", he continued nervously. Eilidh’s heart thudded in her ears, and a smile slowly spread across her face. "Maybe…take you out? Somewhere…that isnt a tent. Maybe".

Eilidh burst out laughing, her knees drawing up to her chest and her hands covering her eyes with delighted embarassment. Harry stared at her laughing, slowly grinning as he processed how cute she was. He suddenly grabbed her under her ribs, and tickled, making her squeal.

"You think thats funny?", he teased, as she giggled uncontrollably, nodding through her laughter, when he suddenly grabbed her wrists and held her still.

He then leaned forward slowly and kissed her softly. Her top lip caught between his as their lips and bodies melted together deliciously. Eilidh caught her breath and marvelled to herself at the sweetness of his kiss, banishing all other thoughts from her mind and surrendering herself to his lips.


When Eilidh woke up the next morning, she could hear the campsite slowly coming to life around her. She shifted up onto her elbow and smiled when she saw Harry still asleep beside her. They had stayed up until it was almost light out, kissing and talking, before falling asleep facing one another, their hands entwined.

He looked even more beautiful in his sleep, she mused, younger somehow. His brow was smooth and his lips parted ina soft rosebud pout. Unable to help herself, she reached out and pet his cheek, watching his eyelids flutter as he woke, his lips breaking into a smile when he caught her watching him.

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