Reverie, Sixteen

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Harry watched Eilidh with a petted lip as she threw her clothes back into her oversized handbag. “Dont gooooo”, he whined, flopping back into bed as she giggled.

"I have to, love", Eilidh argued with a smile as she packed. "I have to work, you know that".

Harry stared at her, willing her to ask him to accompany her, but of course, she didn’t. He sighed, and hauled himself out of bed and stomped down the stairs to put the kettle on.

Eilidh followed closely at his heels, tapping on her phone as she walked, replying to emails.

"What are you doing tonight?", Eilidh asked him distractedly, still looking at her phone. 

"Nothing", he replied shortly, making frothy milk for coffee in a contraption that Eilidh had no idea how to work. "Might get Niall round".

Eilidh frowned, looking up at his closed-of expression for the first time, and cursing herself for being an idiot, again.

"Harry", she broached. "Do you wanna come home with me?"

Harry stirred the coffee into cups without looking up, and shrugged, the corners of his mouth twitching into a smile. 

"Am I that obvious?", he joked, embarrassed looking sideways at her, his expression hesitant and wonderfully childlike. Eilidh felt her heart melt.

"Yes!", Eilidh laughed, abandoning her phone and getting up to hug him. He kissed her face all over like a puppy, making her squeal. "But I wouldn’t have you any other way", she assured him, kissing him firmly on the lips and smacking his bottom. "Go get ready, silly boy. We’re in a rush".


Three hours later, Eilidh and Harry wandered through Glasgow Airport to the taxi rank. They had caught a commercial flight this time, and Harry had noticed rumblings around him on the flight as people had recognized him. He knew that by now that they would have tweeted, and that there would almost certainly be paps and fans waiting. He glanced over at Eilidh who was cheerfully oblivious to his tension, on her phone again as they walked. Harry groaned when he saw two female security guards in bright yellow coats approach him, smiling, making Eilidh’s brows knit together in confusion.

"Mr Styles", one of them greeted him with a handshake, and he forced a smile. "We weren’t expecting you, Sir. Can we call you a cab or are you expecting a driver? It’s a bit chaotic out front".

Eilidh watched this exchange, it dawning on her what was happening. “Shit, are there paps here?”, she questioned, and Harry nodded, before turning to the security woman and speaking to her in a low voice before she nodded and darted off with her colleague.

"How do they know we are here?", Eilidh asked, bewildered, relieved for once that she was dressed quite smartly, in a dress with tights and boots, and a vintage 1960’s Bebe cape that she had stolen from her mums closet.

Harry shook his head, not bothering to answer as he put his arm round her protectively, as before their eyes, a ring began to form around them, flashbulbs beginning to explode in their faces.

"Harry! How long have you two been together!"

"She’s lovely Harry!"

"Eilidh! Is it serious?!"

The shouts made Eilidh dizzy, and she was relieved when the two security guards escorted them into a waiting cab. Eilidh sighed heavily, fanning her face with her hand, her face flushed despite the cold.

"You alright?", Harry checked, and Eilidh nodded.

"I suppose I expect them in London", she allowed. "Just a shock to have them all up here".

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