Chapter 5: Mess Hall

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Chaos erupted throughout the mess hall as we entered from the doorway at the top of the stairs.

There is nothing quite like it. People were seated at every table with their friends.

I always loved that. Looking to the chalkboard I found the food for today.

"Okay, you guys. Today we have rice with eggs, bread, and three thin slices of meat. You can make your own drinks depending on what we have in the cupboards. So, you'll want to stop by the kitchen which is down the stairs to the right and straight ahead. You'll see a serving aisle, Charity will serve you." I talk over the conversations and walk down the stairs ahead of the trio.

"Wait, what do we do after that?!" Isabel shouts, completely panicked.

"You eat, and meet me at my table. Then I will show you a few things in this maze." I waved back behind me and waltzed to the kitchen without a care in the world.

"Squad Leader Strauss, would you like it all? Including your cup of black tea?" Charity asked softly as I enter the connected kitchen.

Charity has a full 10 years on me. She is only 30, but she still treats me like a child. Charity also reminds me of my mother. She has black curly hair, and dark brown eyes.

"Yeah. Thanks."

"You seem distracted, dear."

"I think I have made some new friends." I said quietly. My mind started to race as she began filling a tray for me.

"You? Honey, with that burdened heart of yours I'm not surprised. You have a smile that hides pain, I wish you'd tell me why." She sighed tiredly and served me my tray with a sad smile.

I knew she would deliver the tea to me personally in a few minutes.

"With this life, it is a normal thing." I scoffed and began to walk away with my tray in hand.

"It seems practiced. I noticed the day you joined, honey. That is a smile belonging to a strong, battered, and bruised heart." Her voice was soft, but I ignored her and walked out of the kitchen. On the way I am greeted by Cole.

Without any words, I shoved my small bowl of rice against his chest and walked to our table. It wasn't like I was going to end up eating much. The bread and scrambled eggs was enough for me, and I wasn't in the mood to eat much now.

When I arrived at our table my squad was already waiting including our oldest teammate, Patsy.

"You look like shit." She stated bluntly. Her voice was always a little hard on the ears, but it is understandable with her age and all.

"Thanks, Pat. Here." I huffed sarcastically, scooping my meat slices up and shoving them on top of her rice. "Also, Akita you need to keep your man under control." She only nodded as a response.

"Awe man, I was hoping for that meat beautiful." Benjamin said, gaining a good glare in return by Akita.

She has always kept an eye on my moods. Akita was like the groups big sister, and it really showed at the moment. It always made me feel at ease and on edge at the same time. Affection and care aren't something I've gotten other than my mother.

I still remember what her version of love felt like. It was kind, gentle, careful, and healing. It's a shame she was living back home where I can't visit until my day off.

My father's version of love was the opposite of my mother's, but it's not like it matters anymore. My mom should have left him by now. Hopefully, that was the case.

"Too bad. Patsy needs it more than you. Now eat your food before I shove it down your throat." I hissed under my breath.

Of course, he caught it and had the sheer audacity to laugh it off.

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