Chapter 69: His Fear

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Warning: Levi goes a bit far and things get emotional. If it is too much, please exit the chapter. It may be triggering and I don't want any readers to get hurt by it.

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I woke up to a roof over my head, and a sore body.

Everything was a blur in my mind as I laid there staring at the ceiling.

How long was I out?

Where am I?

What happened?

Without warning, everything rushed back to me. I started shaking and looked around causing my neck to sting something fierce.

"Ow." I gritted out hoarsely.

No one was in the area with me, but I recognized the infirmary with it's curtains dividing certain areas.

Soon, a familiar elderly woman popped her head through my curtain and sighed in relief.

"Young lady, I should reprimand you for pushing yourself as hard as you did! For a moment we almost lost you!" She shrieked, entering the small section of space. Her eyes reflected anger onto me and I rested my head back on the pillow.

"How long have I been here, Patsy?" I whispered emotionally.

"Only a day. You're lucky it has only been that long. You have two fractured ribs, which will heal on their own, and you lost blood from the gashes you sustained." She said factually, walking over to my bedside and carefully sitting me up.

"What happened?" I asked shakily, keeping my eyes on the grey floor in shame.

"The emotional toll you sustained shut you down. It's what sealed the deal with your physical strain. As for the Scouts, the reception was negative and Eren is to be turned over to the MP's. Erwin and a few others like you have been summoned to the Capital a few days from now." Patsy said before walking away.

She came back with fresh clothes for me and a new uniform.

"Thank you, Patsy." I uttered genuinely.

"Don't thank me. Your Partner carried you in and helped me. The usually stoic man seemed abnormally troubled if you ask me. It's best you go visit him yourself after you're presentable. Come back every two days so I can check your wounds," she started, walking back towards the curtains. "Oh, and I am sorry you had to watch."

Silently, I nodded. The pain was still fresh in my chest and I think she knew that.

She left me there, and I got dressed with a struggle. Then, I left the infirmary, passing by several injured soldiers that have already been taken care of.

My hair fell in clean strands over my shoulders, nearly freaking me out. Last I knew, it was matted and bloody.

"Damn it. I have to find Levi." I whispered under my breath, hobbling down the halls and into where I needed to be.

His door stood before me with a foreboding and cold pressure to go with it. Carefully, I knock and listen for a response.

Silence greets me deafeningly, but I don't let it unnerve me as I open the door.

The room was untouched, but I recognized Levi's signs of distress. Nothing was as pristine as it usually was.

I take a step into the office room and shut the heavy door behind me as quietly as I possibly could.

Papers that were always in a neat stack on his desk, were scattered and unorganized now.

Signs of being lost and massive frustration.

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