Chapter 32: Shock

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We returned to HQ just as the sun fell behind the wall. I was exhausted and just wanted some food.

My team and I mutually agreed that it would be best if we showered and got into our casual clothes for dinner.

That is if Erwin allowed us the rest of the night off. Since he became Commander, paperwork has become a common thing among higher ranking officials.

I walked in through the mess hall figuring that I would visit with Charity before I took care of myself.

Recently, she has acquired some helpers around the huge kitchen, but I was still interested in talking to only her.

"You look like shit." A voice that I have come to know all to well, rips through my head and pulls my eyes in the direction of the blunt and cold man.

"Thanks for that, Levi." I said in response. I was too tired for this, but he was the reason I was free in the first place.

"Sit with me." He ordered, looking at me with the same 'I'm bored' look.

As I sat down I noticed the dark circles under his eyes.

"You haven't been sleeping, Levi." I mentioned pointing at him with light accusation.

"So?" He leaned against the wall, holding his cup around the rim with his finger tips.

Why not by the handle?

"Levi, lack of sleep can lead to many problems. Headaches, memory loss, depression, heart problems, and physical problems are only a few." I grew worried for my friend exponentially as I listed off some symptoms.

"I've dealt with this since I lost my mother. My sleep schedule has just.... Shortened is all." He dipped on his tea and then set the empty cup down after a minute or two.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked quietly.

Shock swam in his eyes, and he sat there for a moment before giving me an answer.

"Unless there's a way to take away my stress, nightmares, or paperwork... Don't bother." He said, getting rid of the shock in his eyes.

"I can help. Only if you'll let me, of course." I smiled and watched as he stood up with his cup.

"Fine, but you only have this once to try." He muttered, walking to the kitchen with his teacup.

Charity rushed out the moment he entered and hugged me from the side. She smelt like fresh bread and potatoes. It was uniquely her smell.

"You two are the cutest. When will you two get together? Hanji, and I wanna see it happen." She whispered into my right ear. Her arms squeezed me and I felt my cheeks burn with that foreign feeling blooming in my stomach again.

"A-Are you serious right now? I don't even know how I feel let alone how he does. I'm not going to burden him with it either." My cheeks heated more with embarrassment and irritation.

"It was never explained to you?" Charity gasped like I had just committed a terrible crime.

"Akita tried, but it was just a bunch of questions and a quick conclusion. She assumed that I like him more than a friend." I explained, also whispering.

"Hmmm.... After dinner come talk to me. I'll explain the feeling for you in a more... Detailed manner." She tapped my shoulder and waltzed away with a wide victorious grin.

"How about later tonight?" I called as she reached the kitchen.

"Sure. Whatever suits your schedule. I'll be here until curfew."

Will of the Broken (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now