coping with a loss

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Once Sonya had made it to her apartment, after driving about an hour, she finally was able to let it out. She locked her door before she crouched down and finally took it in.

Yelena, someone she believed to be like her sister, was gone. She had just saw her 5 minutes before. The worst part was she wasn't able to say goodbye. She didn't know how to cope.

Yelena always was there with advice for her. But now she was alone. In NYC. A place she thought she could love. Where she didn't have to be tortured.

But it was happening again.

Sonya knew everything happened for a reason, she just wanted to know what that reason was. Why did the universe take away someone she loved? Why did the universe make her a widow?

Why did the universe create her?

She slowly stood up as she made her way to the couch. She laid on her back looking at the window. She felt numb inside. She didn't know how to grieve, what was she supposed to do?

Then she remembered what Yelena used to do with her family when she was in Ohio. They would watch a cartoon or sitcom show before they went to bed. Maybe doing something Yelena would do could help her with the loss.

She decided to watch a TV show Yelena had told her to watch. She guessed that maybe if it didn't help her with yelena, it could help her mental state. She turned on the TV and was ready to watch.

She found the show and played it. It was called the Golden Girls. Sonya decided it would be okay to watch. Maybe it could help her with the loss. Watching the ladies talk and not having a care about the now let Sonya feel slightly better.

But she knew that feeling wouldn't last long. Sonya's brain wouldn't let it. Her mind kept repeating yelena's gone, yelena's gone, yelena's gone. All she wanted was her sister back.

5 days later

Sonya was a wreck. She tried to do her daily routine but in ended with her just going back to lay down on the couch. It hurt her to do anything. The worst part was she didn't know how to accept and move on past it.

Sonya tried to cry about it but very little tears came. She tried to think of happy memories with her but it ended up making her think of how much she missed her.

She couldn't tell, but she was in denial.

After awhile of finishing another season of Golden Girls, she decided to shower. It was the one thing she could manage to do besides eating or drinking small proportions of food and water.

She went to her room to grab some clothing when she had heard someone open the window. She gasped quietly as pulled out her knife she had in her room. She walked into the living room to find Natasha standing there.

Her hair was now short and died blonde. She had yelena's vest on and she looked like she just gotten beat up by a couple of thugs. Under her vest was her Avengers uniform. She had a worried look as she saw Sonya's face.

The bags were back and her hair was in a messy bun. Sonya was in a sweatshirt and sweatpants and she looked as if she has barely eaten. Her living room was a bit messy as she hadn't left the house.

"Come here." Natasha told the girl as she opened her arms. Sonya gave her a sad smile as they closed the gap between them. Sonya felt more herself from that.

"I don't know what to do anymore. Yelena's gone, and I just can't find myself." She mumbled to Natasha. Natasha knew how she felt. It happened to her when she first lost Yelena. She hugged the girl tighter.

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