Chapter 5

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New Amsterdam -

Virginia walked over to me a curious look on his face.
"Shooting lessons?" He asked.
I nodded.
He started to laugh a bit.
I gave him a questioning glance, "What?"
"It's your bayonet."
"What about it?"
"Well, from the looks of its design it goes inside your muskets barrel," He stated as he grabbed the musket from my hands, examining it even closer.
"What do you mean? What's wrong with it?"
"Well, nothing's going to happen when you shoot!"
I was still completely confused.
Virginia sighed and rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Look, if you try and shoot nothing will happen, because the bayonet you use tightens the barrel and keeping it from firing."

"Oh." I said. I didn't really know what else to say, "Hey, how do you know so much about this?"
"Dad taught it to me a few years after my colony was established." He replied with a smile as he handed the musket back.
"I take it I'm in good hands then."
"New Amsterdam you were in good hands once you first met him."
"You really trust him don't you?"
"Of course! I mean, he's been there right at my side every time I've ever needed him, and I know he'll do the same for you!" He said.
I couldn't hide the smile that appeared on my face after hearing that. I don't know why, maybe just the fact of knowing that I'll have someone by my side helping me.

My thoughts were interrupted when America came over call for the lessons to begin. I walked over to him and he began. The first thing he showed me was loading the gun. It seemed like a unnecessarily long process. I had to open a paper box that held cartridges and shut it inside the stock, then pull back the lock and push some gunpowder down in the gun. I watched America load the gun, it almost seemed inhuman how fast he was able to do it!
I heard Virginia laughing at my shocked expression as I watched America load the musket.
I tried to mimic his action, but didn't manage to do it nearly as fast.

He walked over to a bag he had then drew out a small knife and cut an X on the tree in front of him.
"This is where you're aiming." He told me as he finished carving into the trees bark.
I nodded and began to aim, when America stopped me.
"Woah, woah, woah! Not like that!" He said with a light laugh.
Virginia looked over at where I was aimed and smiled.
"You aiming for the bush?" He asked.
I gave him a questioning glance.
America then walked over to me and corrected my aim.

"Ok," America said cheerily, "fire!"
I pulled the trigger and out went a loud BANG!
I flinch a bit at the sudden sound, then looked at the tree and found it hit perfectly. I looked over at America who smiled, and to Virginia who had a smug grin on his face. We continued doing this for a little while, just the next few time I got to shoot it without it having to be adjusted. I quickly got the hang of it, and even though I didn't hit the exact mark every time, I still got close. And that was honestly good enough for me. We stopped after a while to take a break.

America left to go grab some fresh water for us, and started walking off. I looked over at Virginia, who still wore a smug look.
"What?" I asked.
Virginia groaned, "Uhg, is the question 'what?' the only question you know?"
I raised a brow, still wanting an answer regardless.
He sighed, "Am I not allowed to smile?"
"Virginia..." I stated, letting my voice fade as I spoke.
"Fine, it's just that you act so familiar around him and-"

I groaned. I knew where this was going. It was the same thing every time.
"Oh come on! You can't expect me not to say something about it!" He replied.
I rolled my eyes, "But what's the point in bringing it up when he's not my vader?!"
"Ok one, vader? And two, he is!"
"I'm Dutch, remember? And no he isn't."
"You can't deny the truth. You'll see one day..."
I groan and take a deep breath, I was not about to get into a fight about who my vader was. Not now and not with Virginia.
Virginia soon realizes that I'm not giving in and huffs.

After awhile longer America comes back with some fresh water. Once we finish our break, we go back to practice. It ends almost as fast as it started, and I start heading back to the house I stay at with Netherlands. I was unable to get the conversation I had with Virginia out of my head for the rest of the day. My mind can't help but wonder, what if Virginia was right? What if American is my father? No, he couldn't be. Right?

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