Chapter 15

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New York -

I watched as my father helped the boy who was riding with him off the horse.
The boy looked to be around thirteen or fourteen. He had bright blue eyes, and wore a white poets shirt with black breeches and white stockings. He bore the same flag as the rest of us.
Once he was on the ground and off the horse he started making his way over to us.
Rhode Island then asked the question we were all wondering, "So, who's he?"
"His name's-" Father started before the boy cut him off.
"New Jersey." He stated with a grin on his face.
I glared at him. Don't ask why because I didn't really have a reason, I just had the sudden urge to...
Apparently Virginia noticed my glaring and asked, "Is that how you start every relationship?"
"What?" I asked, a bit confused.
"Glaring at someone, is that how you greet people Yorkie?"
I rolled my eyes at the mention of my new nickname, "I told you not to call me Yorkie!"

Dad cleared his throat and everything went quiet, he then began saying, "Anyways, I bet you're all wondering why I dragged you all out to the middle of nowhere-"
"Uh... Yeah!!" Rhode Island exclaimed, failing to hide the annoyance in his voice.
"Well, so many of you have come and just keep coming and well, I need you all in one spot where I can keep an eye on you-"
"In other words," Virginia interrupted, "he wants us to help build a house big enough for all of us."
I saw a few jaws drop, mine being one of them.
"What?!" I exclaimed, "What do you mean a house big enough for all of us? There's like twelve of us!"
"Yes, yes I know!" Father explained, "But I can't keep an eye on all of you if you're scattered across the continent."
"You mean I have to live in a house with all of them?" Massachusetts mumbled.
New Hampshire, who was right beside him, proceeded to elbow him in the arm for his comment.

"Anyways," Dad continued, "Maryl and V are in charge of the floor plans, Dela, Mass, and Jersey are in charge of food, and the rest of you are in charge of collecting wood to build it. I will be helping make the floor plans."
I groaned, along with a few others but still nodded in agreement to the plan.
"Alright. You all have you're orders get going!"
And with that we all dispersed to go do our jobs.

Hours later...

It was starting to get dark out as we were finishing off our big pile of wood that we had collected. The Carolinas had been great help with transporting the wood from the forest to the site. We had soon decided to call it a day, seeing that we would get lost if we didn't return soon and started back to the wagons. As we approached the wagons we found a bright orange glow lighting up an area in between the wagons. There sitting next to the wagons was Delaware, making sure the food doesn't burn while Massachusetts and New Jersey were off doing who-knows-what.
Delaware looked up at us and waved.
We waved in return as we walked over to him.
"So," A voiced that I recognized to be Dad's said, "How was everyone's day?"

We looked back at Dad who was smiling at us. Virginia and Maryland had just arrived standing next to him. Everyone soon came over to the fire and began to eat the meat that Delaware had cooked. We all talked about how our day had gone and soon headed off to bed afterwards. I laid down out side with my navy blue blanket, and was staring up at the stars. It was a beautiful night out. I looked over to the person who was sleeping just about a foot away. It was New Jersey. He was covered up in a thin blue blanket. He was clearly unprepared for this trip, but then again non of us really were.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. Then went and placed the blanket I was using on my brother.
"Good night brother..." I whispered softly. I might not like him that much, not I still cared about him (though I'd never admit it).
And I could have sworn that he had the slightest smile on his face after I said that. I shook the thought aside and went back to my stargazing as I slowly drifted off to sleep myself.....

_ _

Here is a picture of the scene from just now...

You can find this chapter in New Hampshire's POV in The History Series: Book 3 chapter 12

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You can find this chapter in New Hampshire's POV in The History Series: Book 3 chapter 12

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