Chapter 13

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New Amsterdam - September 1664

I was sitting on my bed. Everything seemed so calm, so peaceful. It was getting around sunset outside and I was starting to get tired. I was about to g get changed until I heard something. It was coming from the main room. I got up and walked over to it. There was the sound of something dropping and a voice cussing in Dutch. I walked into the room and found Netherlands standing over near the door clutching his foot, there were two bags at his side.

"Vader?" I began, "What are you doing?"
He looked over at me, his eyes shone no emotion.
"Vader?" I asked again.
He opened his mouth and quietly said, "I'm leaving..."
"Oh, okay. When will you be back?"
"Well, New Amsterdam, that's the thing... I won't be coming back..."
My eyes widened. Was this for real? Was he really about to...
"W-what do you mean? Why won't you be coming back?"

"Well," He paused for a second, "this colony is no longer mine, it now belongs to the Dutch. Now that it is no longer in my control I must leave you. I'm sorry..."
"Liar..." I said in a voice so quiet it was almost inaudible, but loud enough for Netherlands to hear it.
He stayed silent.
I spoke up again this time a little louder, "You told me that you would hav my back,"
He said nothing, he just stood there. He didn't even look at me, he just stared at the floor, it was like all the life was drained from him.

It was hen I realized something...

"I'm just a piece of land you randomly stumbled across to you, aren't I?" I said, anger rising in my voice. I felt my eyes become warm as they began to become coated in tears. I tried to hold them back, I didn't want to break down in front of him.
"Answer me already!" I exclaimed angrily as I continued to blink back my warm tears.
He finally looked up at me and whispered, "Yes..." Then he grabbed his bags and left.
And just like that I collapsed to my knees. I was angry, but that anger soon turned into sadness. I felt betrayed. I had believed that he actually cared about me and now here I was.

They were right...

Virginia and Massachusetts, they were right. Netherlands wasn't my father. That's when I remembered Colonial America. Ever sense what happened in March he's been coming over more frequently. In fact it probably wouldn't be too long until he got here. I got up off the floor and walked over to the table and sat down. I wondered many things as I sat there in silence. One being the question of if Massachusetts and Virginia were right about my father being America. I mean they were right about everything before... Besides there was a familiar air to him. I also wondered if he even knew that I was his son. I mean he had never brought it up before. What if he didn't even know himself? I didn't know anymore.

Soon after a few minutes I felt warm stream of tears going down my face. I started thinking back to vad- no he doesn't deserve to be called a vader. I started thinking back to Netherlands I had been with him for so long to the point where it seemed impossible for him to have actually left. Could that really have been the same man who had waited by the entrance for me? The same guy who found me in the woods and took me in? The same guy who told me that he'd always be there for me? I didn't know anymore.

A knock at the door awoke me from my thoughts. I slowly pulled myself up and dragged myself to the door and opened it. I found Colonial America with a cheerful smile on his face, though once he noticed me his expression soon fell.
"What happened?" He asked in a firm yet gentle voice.
I bowed my head and stared at the floor, "He... he left..."
I felt him grab me and pull me into a big hug.
After a few seconds I hugged back in return. If I was being honest I needed a hug. I mean the guy I had probably trust most just walked out on me...
"Hey, I could stay here for a couple of weeks if you'd like?" He offered.
I nodded immediately, the last thing I wanted right now was to be left alone. And I guess he could see that.
We stayed caught up in the hug for awhile, and I realized something:

'I may have lost my vader, but I got another that loves me in return.'

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