Chapter 12

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Netherlands -

I looked back over the now signed paper on my desk. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.
"Sorry New Amsterdam, but it had to be this way..." I whispered quietly to myself.
I took up the letter and opened a drawer in my desk, I then pulled out an envelope with some melting wax and a seal stamper with the Netherlands coat of arms imprinted to it. I folded the paper then put it the envelope. I sealed the paper and pulled a candle close. I brought some wax up close to the small flame and watched as it slowly began to melt, the wax dripped down and fell onto the paper. I picked up the stamp, and pressed it to the wax.

I took one last sorrowful look towards the letter. It was too bad, he was so young and was already having to go through this. I got up, unlocked my door and walked out. I made eye contact with Mathew as soon as I walked out, I soon broke it once I realized that New Amsterdam was no where to be seen.
I let out a look sigh and asked, "Where'd he go?"
Mathew didn't respond, he just looked towards the door.
I shook my head, what was that child doing outside in the rain?
I walked over towards the door when I heard a knock. I opened it to find an angry looking boy standing in front of me along with New Amsterdam hugging Colonial America.

I probably would've felt bad for the child if I still had the same morals I had used to. Those were the same morals that had lead me to taking in the boy. It seems that I was letting him go just as quick as I had got him. He was so young yet already being treated as an object, it was depressing almost. I looked at Colonial America, I wondered if the child would go to him. My thoughts were soon interrupted though by the growling of the boy in front of me.
"Virginia," Colonial America warned the boy, "Show Netherlands some respect,"
Though he said this I couldn't help but hear the slightest bit of hostility in his voice, and I knew that it was towards me...
"But dad-" The boy called Virginia protested, until America cut him off.
"No buts, fighting him won't help us or him." He gestured towards New Amsterdam who was now calmly sitting down next to him.
"Would you all like to come inside, I'm sure you all are freezing by now." I offered as I went to the side allowing them in.
They looked at each other before agreeing and walking into the house.

_                                                                                           _

Virginia -

We all walked into the house. I wasn't so sure if I wanted to go into his house. I mean sure it was raining and I was soaked and cold but seeing New Amsterdam just sitting outside, alone and looking depressed kinda ruined all views Ive ever had on Netherlands.

I mean, with all the praise New Amsterdam gives Netherlands, this was the last thing me and dad were expecting to see. I looked over at father. I could tell he was upset, but was trying to contain his emotions. Meanwhile New Amsterdam just had a calm expression, though you could tell he was crying due to the tear stains and his now red eyes. It reminded me of my first experience with fighting. Though mine was between colonists and natives, while his was between two rival empires. He probably hasn't ever had to deal with something like this. So, yeah. I was pretty agitated with Netherlands right now.

My fathers grimace only deepened as he noticed the letter in Netherlands hands. I began to wonder what father was thinking ad was about to ask until I realized something. British troops, Netherlands saying to do nothing, a letter in hand. He was going to give the colony away... I wanted to say something to New Amsterdam, but something kept me from doing it. Today had already been hard on him, and he was already starting to doubt his 'father'. I couldn't worsen it by telling him, he's been sad enough for one day. Besides, he'll find out eventually, and it will be best to hear it from Netherlands...

_                                                                                           _

Hey guys! I just wanted to thank you for reading thus far. Remember to check out the other books along with my art one that has many more character designs in it! Anyways I just wanted to say thanks again and enjoy!

- I.M.F.

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