"Im here for you princess"

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Mentions of sexual abuse so if this is too harsh for you don't read I'll be making a fun chapter soon

it was a long day for you even tho it seemed pretty fast for some monsters and humans, but for you. It wasn't a good day at all, your own father has been touching you in ways that made you very uncomfortable.

Laying down on the bed you started to cry, because no one knew that this was going on. And it was going to continue to happen

"Hey princess, I'm done playing video games with frisk what's-"

Chara realized you were crying and slowly walked over to you

"Hey..what's wrong, why are you crying"

You stayed quiet holding the pillow you had to your chest tightly, you were scared that he wouldn't believe you if you told him what was happening

"Hey, if something wrong you have to tell me, I don't like seeing you hurt"

"Promise you'll believe me..?"

Chara moved to the other side of the bed and slight smiled at you nodding

"I'll always believe you princess, now tell me what's going on"

You sighed sitting up and looking down still holding the pillow close to your chest

"My father has been..touching me in ways that I never liked. And even when I told him to stop he continued to do it.."

Chara's eyes widen at what you told him, he grabbed you by the shoulders

"What?! How long has this been happening!?"

"..for a while.."

"Where is that asshole. And why didn't you tell me before! I could've helped you!"

You started to cry more looking away making Chara stop, he frowned and hugged you

"Hey hey, I'm sorry..I won't let him do this to you anymore ok? I'm here for you princess, I'm right here. Everything will be alright"

Hearing that made you hold onto him tighter, it also made you happy knowing his was there to protect you and keep you safe

"Thank you Chara..it means a lot"

You both pull away from each other and he kisses you on your forehead smiling

"No problem, I'll always be here. Now how about you get some sleep you exhausted"

"Yeah, sleeping is a good idea"

Sorry this was short, hope you still liked it

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