"Will you?"

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Chara's pov(FOR ONCE)
Alright todays the day I propose to them, ugh but what if they say no! I start pacing around wondering what they'll say..I mean we have been dating for a while and I just want to be evern closer to them. They just make me really happy..

"Bro you have got to relax, you got this alright? They love you and I'm pretty sure they'd say yes"

Frisk said to me making me feel a bit of  reassurance, alright Chara. Pull yourself together, you got this!

After a few minutes of waiting for them I see them running up to me making me smile, I'm glad they actually came

"Chara! Sorry I took so long, I couldn't figure out what to wear"

"Hah that's alright, I didn't know what to wear myself! Frisk and metatton helped me with that"

They were wearing a long dark purple skin tight dress with black heels, it made me blush a little honestly

"Y-you look really nice"

I face palmed in my head, why the hell did I stutter! Then I hear them reply with a "thank you" and I nodded

"You look pretty good yourself Chara"

I was wearing a white turtle neck with a black jacket over it, and my usual white and black scarf since it was a bit cold. My pants were a dark drey with white boots to finish it

"Hah, thank you I thought it was a bit too much, ready to go?"


I hold they're hand and we walk around to play games, win them some teddy bears and some candy since they really enjoy those things

Seeing them smile made me really happy, I felt like it was all I needed to make me happy as well. I'm really glad I started dating them, after eating some food I bought us some ice cream

Me personally excited because my favorite ice cream flavor was chocolate and I think they like all flavors of ice cream too

"Thank you so much Chara! Today is the best!"

"Heh, I'm glad your having fun but there's one more place we have to go"

They gave me a surprised curios look and asked "really?"

"Yeah, follow me"

I grabbed they're hand and led them into a forest frisk and I went in before, lights were covering the trees leading us to a small place

"Woah..Chara what is this place"

"Me and frisk used to go here, and..I think it's about time I brought you here because I have something to tell you"

I sighed trying to get the nervousness off of me and kneeled down on one knee infront of them, I could already see how shocked they were

"We've been dating for a while now and everything about you just makes me so happy, your smile, your laugh, and I'm so glad we started dating because you have been the best thing that has ever happened to me so...will you marry me..?"

I opened the small black box to reveal the ring to them, I could see tears in theyre eyes making me scared

"A-are you okay?! I'm sorry if this was too soon I-"
"Yes! Yes yes yes yes a hundred times yes!"

I couldn't believe what I heard them say, I smiled more than I ever did before and put the ring on they're finger

"I love you princess"

They sniffled and told me "I love you too"

Then we shared a kiss both of us enjoyed while everyone came out the bushes and started clapping for us

I pulled away from her shocked, where did they all come from?!

"Haha Sorry bro, I forgot to tell you I invited everyone to see you propose"

"Frisk! You asshole!"

Heh what did matter anyway I can finally be married to the person I love the most. I couldn't ask for anything more..

Happier with him (x chara x reader oneshots and headcannons)Where stories live. Discover now