"Its cute! Just like you!"

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Once again Chara will look like this

Once again Chara will look like this

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Alright onto the chapter😃

"Chara look! I got a pet"

You said running to him with the pet behind your back, Chara turned around to face and said "oh yeah? That's cool, what kind of pet is it-"

Chara went quiet as you showed him the pet spider in your hands, he then screamed and jumped away from you


"Oh come on! It's cute! Just like you!"

Chara blushed but shook it off quickly and yelled "stop trying to change the subject you idiot!! If your gonna keep that keep it away from me! Otherwise give it away!"

"Give it away?! No! I like him and he isn't a bad spider Chara! Why are you afraid of them!"

You said back putting the spider in his face making him scream again, this time he yelled louder than he did


You flinched at him making him stop, you sighed and frowned "sorry, I'll go put him down in his tank.." Chara wanted to say something but didn't because you had already walked away from him

~later on~

You were sitting on the ground still upset about Chara yelling at you, being yelled at wasn't the best thing in the world. Pretty sure no one likes it

"Hey..princess? You here..?"

It was Chara, he was looking for you. You put your hand out for him to see you since your not that upset with him, he sat down next to you

"Look..im sorry that I yelled at you, I didn't mean to..and you can keep the spider if you really like it, I don't mind"

Your eyes sparkled when you looked At him and asked "really..?" Chara chuckled and replied with a small "yeah" making you very happy kissing him on the cheek hugging him tightly

"Thank you!!!"


Happier with him (x chara x reader oneshots and headcannons)Where stories live. Discover now