"Good brothers"

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It was another day with Chara and frisk, you three were laying on the grass looking at the sky. Then Chara decided to ask

"Hey frisk, y/n, do you remember when we were kids?"

You and frisk replied with a "yeah"

"I bet we're the only brothers who still get along"

Frisk remembers
Playing video games with his brother

"What's wrong lil bro?"

Chara asked frisk, he was playing a video game he couldn't beat and it was making him sad

"I can't defeat this boss! It's so hard!"

Frisk said to his brother with a sad face but he smiled when Chara said "okay. I'll help you"

Few minutes later...


~playing video games now~

"C'mon bro that's so easy"

Chara said watching frisk playing the game himself and he tried to grab the controller

"Pass the controller"

Frisk grabbed chara's arm and looked at him with neutral face, but he made it scarier

"If you interrupt My game again I swear I'll rip your head off."

Chara was now sitting away from frisk on the couch saying "I'll tell mom"


"Good brothers never harm each other, like us"

Frisk said smiling

Chara remembers
Being hurt by his brother

"That was so rude..why would you do that"

Chara was crying because frisk had hit him in the arm, frisk had his neutral face on as usual but felt bad because of how upset chara looked

"Don't cry, hit me"

Chara gave frisk a small punch in his arm

"Now we're even, feel better?"

Frisk said to him making him smile and say "Mhm"



Chara yelled at frisk for punching him in the arm

"Listen. You deserved it"

Chara then punched frisk in the face pushing him back, frisk ran and tackled him and the next thing you know the two are fighting each other while you watch And laugh your ass off

So now the two have bruises, scratched up clothes, black eye, bloody nose and cuts on they're arms that messed up they're clothes

"Mom and dad will be on my side"

"See you in court. Idiot"

"You two are just a lot I swear-"

Happier with him (x chara x reader oneshots and headcannons)Where stories live. Discover now