"He misses you too"

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You and Chara were still together after the X-Event, and he finally had a body thanks to nightmare. But this time you two were alone for a while

Chara wasn't himself anymore, he was more quiet when it was only you two together. It made you sad how much he changed since x gaster and his brother. So you took a deep breathe in and asked him

"Hey Chara..are you alright?"

He took a minute to answer "I'm fine, why do you care."

You grit your teeth at him and then yelled at him "hey! Don't talk to me like that! I'm being nice to you right now!"

"And what does that matter?! You aren't the boss of me!"

"Oh yeah?! Then why do you let nightmare push you around and give you orders huh!?"

"It isn't any of your business! You didn't have to be here, I never asked you to be either!"

You stopped and stared at Chara after what he said, he realized what he said too and turned his head away from you muttering "just leave me alone.."

Moving closer to him you put your hand on his shoulder frowning at him, he didn't turn he head at all to you. Just staring at nothing

"Chara I know you don't mean that..you've been quieter than usual and I know something's wrong, you don't have to be scared to tell me"

He once again stayed quiet for a while then he sighed and closed his eyes

"Ever since what happened with cross and..him I've just been thinking, what if we never win. What if I never get my brother back, my friends back."

"I'm sorry Chara, you've been through so much and no one but frisk was there to suffer with you. I'm sure we will get our friends and frisk back, and to be honest..I know I shouldn't say it but im sure he misses you too chara"

Chara's eyes widen at the last of your sentence, tears swelled up in his eyes making you know what he needed was a hug. You pulled him close to you hugging him tightly and to surprise he hugs you back continuing to sob and cry into your shoulder

"It'll be okay chara, we'll win. And things will be back to normal soon.."

Happier with him (x chara x reader oneshots and headcannons)Where stories live. Discover now