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Darkness, was all that was there to see. remembering what happened after Chara had taken over cross's body for good, and then being stabbed by him y/n's eyes opened fast and they jolted up in fear that they were dead.

y/n looked around frantically until their eyes landed on Xgaster and everyone else, as it rained. then they felt someone hold onto them as they sat up


you recognized that voice quickly

"Chara, its you.."

He helped you stand up, you pulled away from his grip and stood on your own. Chara looked away from you, knowing that you'd be mad after what happened before.

"I didnt bring them back for nothing Chara. now both of you, behave like the adults your supposed to be"

Xgaster said to the two as he stared into the sunset, in a bit of panic you get up and try to run off to get away from him and chara.


Chara yelled running after you as you stumbled and tripped a few times, he tried his best to catch up to you until he was starting to get tired fast.

(yall better not say hes fat, technically hes tired bc the soul xgaster gave him isnt like..its not pure determination kinda?? watch underverse 😭)

In a quick moment he tackled you down trying to get you to relax

"Get off asshole!!"

"Y/n Cut it out! im not gonna attack you"

You scoffed, pushing chara off you roughly

"Yeah right. like last time when i tried to help you? you Stabbed me!"

"Look, i was just..trying to stop him from coming back. i wouldnt actually hurt you!"

"yeah right.."

Chara sighed and held your hands, once again you try to get him to let go until he yelled

"would you just listen for one second!"

You shut your mouth after that, he continued to speak

"Im sorry, i hurt you. really..i only wanted to bring back our world and everyone, so that we could be happy again. I wanted to protect you-"

You quickly cut him off

"By stabbing me and telling me that You never needed me?! you cant just act like it didnt happen!"

pulling away from him you stood up and glared at chara

"Im not going to forgive you that easily, even if you say sorry.."

"Y/N wait.."

And with that you were going to walk away but something stopped you

"Thats enough."

Xgaster made you turn around to him, looking up at him in a bit of fear. Chara stood up looking angry

"Let go of them!"

"I thought you would have been as rebellious as Chara is, but you've surprised me. maybe you can be useful after all"

you could see Xgaster smile as your vision started to fade into black, the last thing you heard was chara yelling your name.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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