Out running memories

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Hi , I'm new to Wattpad and to publishing stories. This is my first story published here. So if you find any mistakes that need correcting please let me know! Thanks so much for taking the time to read this story and if you don't like long drawn out romance stories then this isn't for you. If it is welcome!
I don't own anyWitcher characters only Rafaela of Loc Munnine. I may play around with the time line a little bit so please if it doesn't seem to line up with the Netflix series then be a little understanding thanks so much!
Book 2 is up and ongoing
The Angel of Lyria. Leave a comment and vote!

I  moved silently through the swamp, searching for the creature. Drawing my sword when I heard something thrashing in the water. I see the kikimore jabbing at the water and I realize it's trying to kill something or someone. I move swiftly and start chopping the tentacles off . It roars in pain , turning to the new threat. I notice it loosening it grip on the animal / person . I smile . " come on you beast , why don't you pick on someone else!" He scuttles towards me in anger. I swing my sword , taking the kikimore by surprise as I stab it through its eye ,Killing it instantly.

I look to my left to see a drenched man move through the swamp.  White hair and Golden eyes . I know this Witcher.  I haven't seen him in almost 20 years. I quickly pull my hood up , and turn away,making my way back to my horse Damon. I quickly mount spurring Damon into a gallop.
I reach the village , dismounting and handing my reins to a stable hand.

Grabbing my bag  " Make sure he's well feed and rubbed down." I hand him some coin, turning towards the inn. I open the door , moving towards the bar. The bar man looks at me  in puzzlement. " What'll it be sir?" I don't correct him.

" the house special, a room , a bath drawn and some ale."

He nods his head and says " fifteen coin. Do you want your clothes washed as well? . "

I nod my head " yes I'll take my food and ale then I'd like to go to my room."

He hands me my room key. " Room 3 . I'll have the bath drawn and brought to your room. It'll be waiting for you when you finish your supper."

I nod my head in thanks then turn to  find a table in the corner facing the door. I sit down and wait for my food. A small loaf of bread and a huge bowel of stew is placed in front of me , along with a pint of ale. 

" is there anything else I can get you?" Asks the young bar maid. I look up and see kind eyes.

I sigh and ask" when my bath is drawn , could you please place some lavender in the bath water please? "

she furrows her eyebrows in confusion " of course sir but may I ask why a man would.... " I pull my hood back slightly to show my face .

She gasps "  I hope it won't be too much trouble. "

she chuckles " not at all I've got some rose oil I can put in as well."  I smile at her in thanks.

I put my hood back up and dig into my meal. 
I'm nearly finished with my meal , when the door bangs open.

I look up to see Him come striding in broodingly . I sigh in agitation and quickly get up and move towards the stars. Hoping he won't notice me. " I'm looking for the alderman's house . "

the bar maid gives him directions as I move quickly up the stairs. I find my room , and move in to find a tub with steaming water with the scent of lavender and rose oil in the air.

A towel and some soap sitting near . I unclasp my cloak, shaking my long red curls out, placing it along the back of the chair . I pull out a new tunic and long pants out of my bag and place them beside my armor.

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