This is Goodbye, for now

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Over the next few days I ignored Geralt at all costs. Galdir helped. Any time Geralt would come to speak to me , Gal would cut him off and begin flirting with me.  I could tell Geralt was reaching his breaking point. I was walking down a hallway , after everyone had fallen asleep when I hear Yennefer and Geralt talking.

" You've been distant ." She says
"I've been worried about Rafe. She's been avoiding me." He grumbles.
"Do you blame her? She's in love with you and you keep pushing her away. If you don't stop and admit to yourself that you actually have feelings for her you're going to loose her." She explains
He remains silent
" Geralt, your an idiot. You are to blinded by what we had that you can't move foreword. You know,  when I was helping her  save Vesemir I saw another man In her memories. Someone she cares for deeply. If you don't stop being a dick you are going to loose her for good. Don't blame me for it , when it happens." I walk away not wanting to hear what he has to say.
I replay over and over again what Yennefer said. He had feelings for me? Maybe it's time to think outside the box. I'm decide to do one thing I haven't thought about doing. I'm so gonna regret this.

When morning comes I go to Yennefer and ask for her help.
" I need your help."
" with what exactly?" She asks shocked.
" I need your help to be more... like you."
I see her look at me with a blank look.
" ok so explain it to me." She says
" I need to learn how to be more feminine like you." She smiles and says " Well first of all let's start with your clothes. You wear pants because it's easier to fight in. For the next week no more pants. You'll wear dresses. I'm going to teach you how to be a lady."  I regret this already.
* ******************************
Over the next week . I dress like a lady. Use my manners and refrain from swearing. Not easy . The men take notice. I get ALOT of attention from the others. All except for Geralt who broods in the corner.  His eyes following me where ever I go. Bard decides  that everybody needs to lighten up so he decided to play and sing one evening after supper. In the middle of one of his songs I decided to silently slip away for some fresh air. I walk along the peremiter of the keep. Trying to clear my mind.
I had chosen a beautiful royal blue dress out of the several dresses Yenn had made me.
I look up at the stars I see shining up in the night sky. The back of my dress swoops down below my shoulder blades displaying the " tattoo" of the wings.
When Yenn was helping me dress for this evening she saw it.
" why is there magic shrouding this ?" She brushes her hand across it and I gasp. I jump away from her and say " Because it's not just a marking on my skin. This tattoo is actually real." I unfurl my wings and show them to her.
" how can this be? "
" I'm the Witcher healer. With that type of magic comes a price. Every time I heal someone , I take on a characteristic of what I've healed. These," I point behind me " are from A curse I lifted for a good friend. He had no idea the cost doing such a thing did. But they come in handy."
I had folded my wings back down and asked her to quickly tie up my dress. She did so but I could tell she was concentrating hard about something. I continue walking coming to the end of the wall walk. Kaer Morhen was placed at the top of a cliff over looking the valley down below.
" why the change Rafe?"
I look over my shoulder at him for a moment then turn back to look at the view.
" Thought it was time for a change. I'm thinking of just staying here and being a full time healer. "
" Hmmm."
" I feel it's time for me to Stop Trying to reach for something that will never be mine. I'll travel back to Kaer Seren and when needed return here. I'll stay there and Visit the others when I can. I'll be content...."
" But you won't be happy." He rumbles behind me. "
I shrug " There are other things besides happiness."
He gently turns me to face him
" Geralt .."
I lift my hand up and cup his face

" I've loved you for nearly my whole life. I've tried to give you space . I've tried to get your attention but, you never saw me and that completely broke me. I understand that I'll never compare to Yennefer. But I could've made you happy. If you had given me a chance. "
I step away from him moving back the way I'd come.
" Rafaela...."
I look back at him
" I love you Geralt. Even if you can never love me in return."
I take a running leap and let my wings unfold jumping up into the night sky. I fly for hours just basking in the light of the stars. I have no more tears for him.

I harden my heart as I return to Kaer Morhen. I change back into my leathers . I hesitate before I pull my medallion of the Guild of the Wolf off and place it on my bed. I quickly gather my things and go next door to knock on Yennefers door. She opens it and see's my troubled expression.
" could you make me a necklace with a charm to disguise my appearance?" I quickly ask
" Come in." I enter her room and lean against her table.
"Why would you need an illusion charm?" She asks.
" I'm leaving the Guild of the Wolf. Doing so will send my former brethren after me. Now can you help me or not?"
She nods her head and goes towards her bag. She pulls out an blue topaz crystal attached to a silver chain.
" this will help you. I think your doing the right thing but where will you go?" I smile as I pull out a sleeping tonic .
" If I tell you, you'd probably tell him and he'll probably follow after me. Take this and it'll make you sleep and forget this conversation."
I hand her the tonic . she places it in her cup of tea and lifts it to take a drink. She looks at me and says
" At least tell Vesemir and Ciri before you go." I nod at her as she swallows the tea in one gulp. Then goes and lays on her bed.
I leave her , heading for Ciri. I find her inThe library curled up with a book. She looks up when I come in.
" Rafe! Where have you been? Everyone was worried." I smile as I sit down in front of her.
" I was out looking at the stars." I hesitate before I tell her.
" I'm leaving ."
" Leaving ? But why?"
I shrug and say " I've lived my whole life trying to make someone love me. Along the way I lost myself. I need to find myself again." She lunges with into my arms.
" Please don't go." She pleads.
I run my fingers through her honey colored hair. " Ciri...." I say
" No your doing this because Geralt and you....."
" This isn't about Geralt. This is about me doing something for myself for once. I hope you reclaim your kingdom someday." I pull a blue topaz gem out and place it in her hand.
" If you ever need me, hold this stone in your hand and think of me and you will appear in front of me for a short amount of time. You can use for however long you need to."
She pulls me back into a hug and squeezes me tightly.
" I'll miss you but I'll see you again."
I ruffle her hair " Give Geralt Grief. Don't let him be to bossy.ok?" She giggles as I leave.
" Bye Rafe. Be safe."
I move out of the library to see Vesemir sitting by the fire in the gathering hall.
" Rafaela, what can I do..." he looks at me neck to see I'm not wearing my Guild necklace.
" Rafaela....don't do this." I sigh and walk up to him.
" I , Rafaela of Loc Munnine, renounce my claim to the Guild of the Wolf. I ..."
" Stop before you say something you'll regret."
I look at him and see tears gathering in his eyes.
" I'm leaving Vesemir. Renouncing or not changes nothing."
He pulls me into a hug and whispers.
" Where's your medallion?"
" on my bed ."
He pulls back and then pulls off his and places it around my neck.
" Never take this off Rafaela. No matter what may happen or what your going through. We are your family. No matter what."
I kiss his cheek and bend down to grab my bag.
" if you need me Ciri can get a hold of me."
I walk out into the night, to saddle Damon and begin my long journey back to Kaer Seren. I mount up , and point him towards the path.
As We begin to make it up the last hill before Kaer Morhen disappears,
I look back and say
" Goodbye Geralt. I hope that we'll meet again in the future." I slip the crystal on and I feel a slight tingling.
" Come on boy lets go. We have a long journey ahead of us."

Ok so that's the end for now.
The muse wants what it wants. The first chapter of book two is up.
The Angel of Lyria. Please stop and give a comment and a vote.

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