Helping out a friend

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Weeks turned into months . Jaskier and I stayed until the winter snow melted , and the flowers began to bloom. I was packing my bags, when a knock sounded on my door.
" come in."
In walks Goliath all seven feet of him leaning back against my door.
" You know you don't have to go." He says
I smile at I fold a tunic into my bag.
"I'm serious Rafe. You could stay with us. Become a part of this place." He pleads
I turn to him crossing my arms . " You know I can't . I'm not just a Witcher , Goliath. I'm also a healer. I have to go." his shoulders slump

" You always could talk sense. I don't like it but I understand. Just be careful." I roll my eyes at him.
" aren't I always?" I snark back as he rolls his eyes and follows me out to the stables.
"So where will you go?" He asks.
I shrug " I don't know. I go where I'm needed. That could be anywhere." He pulls me into a hug
" I'll never be able to repay you." He whispers. I pull back and look up at him. " We're even now." He stares at me for a few seconds then looks down at my lips. I stand on my tiptoes meeting him halfway.
This man, if I still wasn't over Geralt , I could see myself falling for him. He kisses like he fights , calculating , waiting before he strikes. He runs his hands through my shoulder length curls. Moaning into my mouth. I smile into the kiss just going along for the ride. He pulls back and just stares at me.
" You are a special woman Rafaela. Don't let him ruin your self worth. You are beautiful, strong, and your eyes remind me of the deepest ocean. They are hypnotizing making any man want to drown in them. When and if he comes crawling back, don't make it to easy for him."


We leave Kaer Seren later on that morning. I was quiet, as we made our way down the mountain. Jaskier could tell that something was bothering me. But didn't bother me with questions. We traveled until we reached a suitable spot to stop for the night. I sat staring into the fire thinking over what Goliath had said. Trying to figure out what he meant. If he comes crawling back? I seriously doubt it. He wouldn't crawl for any one. Not even me.
" Rafe?" I blink out of my daze , looking up at Jaskier.
" are you alright? You've been quiet." I shrug
" I'm just thinking about something Goliath said before we left."
He scoffs crossing his arms " Oh really? and what did that big brute say that was so insightful that made you silent since we left ?" I chuckle.
" he said not to make it easy if Geralt comes crawling back. " he laughs falling down.
" And well you should make it difficult for him." He says through chuckles.
I'm shrug and say " I honestly have no idea what I'd do if I saw him again. how do I face him? He broke me Jaskier. I'm not the same person I was the last time I saw him."
He sighs moving closer to me placing an arm around my shoulders in comfort.
" If you see him again there are three options you have available
1) kiss him
2) slap him
3) fight him
I push away from him going to lean against a tree. " I seriously doubt I could do either one or two. So fighting is it ."
He rubs his hands together in glee. " I can't wait for you to wipe the floor with him." I roll my eyes as I buckle my sword to my hips. " I'm gonna check the perimeter." He stirs the stew I had made earlier from catching a rabbit. I move off to scan our surroundings. I move about fifty yards from camp when I hear Jaskier yelp. I take off running to see Ciri and a mysterious woman . Ciri looks tired and dirty. " I need to find Rafe! Where is she!" I step into the light. " Ciri how did you get here?" She turns to look at me and burst into tears. " portal. I need your help!"
I place my hands on her shoulders and look into her eyes. " what's happened ?" By the way she's crying it's not good. " it's Vesemir, he's been bitten by a basilisk!" Dread fills me. " why didn't he use the antidote?" She shakes her head . " You don't understand! He's dying! He went to take it but he fell unconscious dropping the vial." I look too the woman behind her . " I take it your the mage?" She nods I notice for the first time that her eyes are the color of deepest purple. " very well, Jaskier douse the fire. Quickly grab Damon and Delilah and cover there eyes. I'm not leaving them behind. " he moves quickly. I start to mentally prepare myself. " we must hurry. " the mage says. I glare at her as I take Damon's reins. " let's go."
A portal opens and we all step through and come out at the training yard at Kaer Morhen. I hand my reins to Ciri and run up the steps. Not stopping until I reach the gathering hall. Everyone is seated at the table and I see hopelessness on their faces. " Where is he?" I ask
They all turn to look at me. Lambert stands " She actually found you? ! Hurry  he's in the laboratory!" I move quickly to go to the lab , I push past all of them and run. I come barreling into the room to see Geralt at his side. I push him out of the way. Vesemir is very pale. I see the bite on his arm. Black lines have started to form from it.
" When did this happen ?" I ask .
" Two days ago. We found him out side the gates, unconscious. We tried to give him the antidote but it's not working." Says Lambert coming to stand behind me
I was afraid of this.

" He's been biten by a nightshade Basilisk. The most deadly. If I don't stop the poison then he won't make it till sunrise. Geralt make your self useful and go get the mage. I'll need her help." When he leaves I turn to Lambert. " No matter what happens, don't let anyone through that door once we start. Do you understand?"
He nods and moves to the door stepping aside when the mage comes in. Lambert shuts the door and I put a barrier spell up to insure no one tries to come in.
" I need you to help me do a transfer spell." Her eyebrows raise at that.
"It's dangerous." She says
" without a doubt but there's little choice." I say.
" you could die. Doesn't that scare you?" I smile sadly at her
" not really." I move to Vesemir and place my hands on either side of the wound.
"By the way my names Rafe."
She looks at me and smiles
" Nice to meet you Rafe. I'm Yennefer." I smile back at her. Then look back down at Vesemir. " Do me a favor..." I ask
" anything" she replies
" whatever you see in my mind , try to not be troubled by it." She gives me a funny look and then Places her fingertips on my temples and begins.

I feel a burning pain unlike anything I've ever felt before. I open my eyes to see the black lines fading and the wound beginning to close. His color coming back. I look to my right arm to see another tattoo begin to form around my bicep. It's a black basilisk wrapping it's self around my arm, black smoke like tendrils moving down my arm to my wrist. I grit my teeth as I feel the sting of it. Knowing this is the price I pay each time I heal a grave injury. A tattoo forms from whatever I've healed or curse I've broken. I look back down at Vesemir to see him peacefully sleeping. Not even a scar to show for his troubles. Yennefer pulls away from me and I go to stand.

The door burst open, and in comes Geralt. I look at him for a long moment and dismiss him with my gaze. " How is he?" He asks
I slowly s move past him. "Rafe? Yenn? What happened." I look back over my shoulder to see him move towards Vesemir. Yennefer places a hand on his shoulder. " We did a transfer spell. "
I don't stay as she tells him what happened. I move quickly back through the gathering hall to see my brothers stand when they see me.
" he'll be fine." I grit through my teeth as I feel my arm throb in pain. " Rafe , you don't look so good." Says Eskel.
" I'll be fine. I need to resupply and then be on my way. Eskel could you please make sure our horses are alright . Also make sure Jaskier and Ciri come out of the cold." I walk past them and head towards my room.
With every step I take my arm throbs to the beat of my heart. I finally make it to my room , just as my vision begins the have black spots in it. I take two steps and fall. I lay on the cool floor. Sighing in relief as it seems to help some. I don't know how long I lay there , minutes, hours, days all I know is that the last thing I see is the door opening and golden eyes staring down at me in fear.

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