A debt repaid

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After everyone has eaten their fill and has gone to bed, I show Jaskier to a spare room he can use while we're here.
" I'll be across the hall if you need me." He looks around the room and flops down on the bed groaning in relief. I chuckle at his dramatics and close his door.
I decide to pay a visit to an old friend. I go back the way I'd come and see James still up smoking his pipe by the fire. I take a sit beside him.
" how's he been?" I ask
James let's out a string of smoke . Turning towards me he says " Depressed Rafe. He hardly leaves the tower since the others were turned to stone. Tonight was the first time he's actually come down for the first time in a month" I run a hand down my face and sigh in exhaustion.
" You promised him you'd help him figure out a way to break the curse. You know as well as I do what that requires. " 
     I do know but can I let him take the one thing I've held dear for so long. Guarded with utmost care. I sigh knowing he's right.
" James, I can't just let him.... Take that from me. It's different for men. You kiss a woman with no regard to her feelings. But a woman's first kiss should be with someone she cares for. "
" Do you not care for him?"  I pause at that question. Thinking over how best to answer him.
" yes. Of course I do."
" then go do what must be done."  I sigh and make my way towards the tower.
      It's been so long since I last saw him.  He saved my life and now I owe him a life debt. I come to the door at the top of the stairs and hesitate. I take a deep breath and turn the knob. The door opens  silently.  I see a huge figure shrouded in darkness. I  move into the room and place the candle down on the windows ledge. 
I stare into the darkness to see his glowing blue eyes Staring back at me. He takes a step towards me and raises a clawed hand up to my face. I lean into his tender touch . I come up to the middle of his chest with  me being five feet , nine inches tall. He towers over me at a whopping seven feet tall. 

"Rafaela...." I smile at him and place my hands on his chest.

" I promised you I would help you. But I needed time. You saved my life all those years ago. I now offer what I  couldn't then.
  I , Rafaela of Loc Munnine, give you,  Goliath of Kaer Seren , what you need to break this curse. I offer myself to you freely."
He stares at me for along time then his face comes into the light. I see four horns protruding from his hair line. Long dark black hair falls over his shoulders as he leans down towards me. His lavender skin glows in the candle light. He brings his other hand to my waist and pulls me flush against him. " are you sure about this?"
He rumbles down at me. I nod And That's all he needs to continue. His lips claim mine in a sensual kiss. My first kiss given freely. His mouth moves against mine in ways I never dreamed of. His hands move to my thighs lifting me up.  He moves and presses me against the wall. I feel his wings move to cover us. I run my fingers through his hair noting the silky texture. I feel my magic start to bubble beneath my skin knowing its working.  I feel warmth encompass us , his hands move beneath my shirt making my skin pebble with goosebumps. I feel a burning on my back knowing it's another tattoo being added. I moan as it stings. He continues kissing down my neck to where my shoulder and neck meet. He then proceeds to lick me there,  pauses and quickly bites down. I gasp at the sting of his bite. Then melt into a puddle of bliss. My magic explodes out of me into a blue wave. Hitting him first , he grunts as he's gently pulled away from me , falling to his knees. I watch as his skin returns to a normal tan. His wings turn into a cloak about his shoulders. I hear stone crumbling  from above us but I ignore it . I kneel in front of him placing a hand on his shoulders. He slowly lifts his head and I gasp. His eyes are still the same ocean blue.

" It worked? " I smile through my tears and nod. He pulls me into a hug , squeezing me in joy. "Thank you , Rafaela."
I pull back and smirk at him. " who knew you'd be so handsome Goliath." I tease. He rolls his eyes at me. " Come on let's see if the others woke up from that loud boom."  He says. I chuckle as he helps me up. We move towards the door . I feel a twinge in my shoulder blades , like something is to tight. Knowing what this means. I've taken on a characteristic from the curse.
I ignore it , following after Goliath. We move to the gathering hall to hear loud voices .
" what in the world was that boom?" Asks Jaskier
I come around the corner " that would have been me, sorry it woke everyone but I thought you'd all like to see an old friend."
Goliath steps into the light . Eyes widen and jaws drop in shock.
" Goliath? Is that really you?" Asks Coen. He smiles and walks up to him. " yeah it's me little brother." Coen pulls him into a hug , tears running down his face. " how's this possible?" He asks. Goliath pulls back and looks at me. " Rafaela, she.....,broke the curse. She is after all the Witcher healer. Curses fall under that category. It also helps that she gave me something that I will cherish for the rest of my days." They all turn to look at me , I blush underneath all the stares. " oh and what did she give you?" Asks Galdir smirking
" a virgin's first kiss" I answer
They all look at me in surprise then back at Goliath. Before they can ask questions I hear footsteps coming down the hallway. I smile as I see who else  had been freed " uh guys? Look." I point behind them . I see Saraphina, Jordan, Thorin, and Cerebus come stumbling in. I smile as the others go to them.
" so wanna tell me what happened."asks Jaskier. I cross my arms and smile " I broke a curse . Helped a friend out. Freed four people from stone busy night." I look at him and laugh at his look of astonishment. " but how?" I shrug
" I'm a Witcher who was blessed with the ability and magic to heal my fellow Witchers. Goliath and those four others were cursed. The others were turned to stone and Goliath was turned into a gargoyle. To forever be a beast unless a Virgin gave freely her first kiss. He saved my life all those years ago , I owed him a life debt. "
  I pause before I utter the next part . " But with this curse I will carry a characteristic of it with me forever."
" And that would be ?" He asks
I sigh and look back towards the others . " A reminder of what I gave for someone else's freedom." I turn and go to my room to rest and to clean up. My back itches something fierce. I strip out of my shirt , turning around so my back is facing the mirror.
I see wings tucked against my back. I slowly unfurl them and they are massive. The look like dragon wings . I sigh and mutter a spell to conceal them. They turn into a tattoo on my back . I sigh and stretch my hands above my head. I climb into bed falling into a deep sleep.

 I climb into bed  falling into a deep sleep

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( Goliath cursed. Above)

(Goliath curse broken)above(Jason Momoa plays Goliath) So yes she gave Goliath her first kiss

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(Goliath curse broken)above
(Jason Momoa plays Goliath)

So yes she gave Goliath her first kiss. To break the curse. She is a Witcher healer  after all, that falls into her domain. . A virgins first real kiss only counts if the recipient returns it. So the kiss she had with Geralt technically didn't count...When she was hurt all those years ago she wasn't able to help Goliath , due to her recovering from the striga attack. Don't worry Geralt will show up soon. But she needs time to heal. Emotionally and physically. Hope you enjoyed this chapter leave a vote and a comment. Let's me know I'm doing a good job.

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