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When Lambert gets done telling me his plan. I don't know how to feel.
" What do you think?" He asks expectantly. I cock my head to the side.
" You want me..." I point to me self and then gesture to him " to just go around kissing everyone?" He nods his head in excitement.

" Lambert , I have to say this is one of the most.... STUPIDEST IDEAS YOU'VE EVER HAD! " I yell at him.
"This is the big idea you have? For me , someone who has had one kiss in my entire life, to just go around and kiss men that I've known my whole life! Have you completely lost it !!!! They won't take me seriously!"

He chuckles and says " Sure they will! When I tell them that you've never had a proper kiss they'll help." I stand up and move towards the door. " thanks but no thanks. I'll figure this out on my own."
" How about we have a little wager then?" I stop and slowly turn back around to face him. I cross my arms and wait for his big idea.

" how about the wager be something only you know. That you've never shared with anyone else something that gives you an advantage to win hands down." I stare at him for a few minutes trying to decided if I want to take the chance. There's a slight chance one of them will figure it out.
" And if I don't win then what?" He smiles " Then you will have to kiss the winner. If it should lead to something more..... that's up to you."
Why do I get a slight nauseous feeling in my stomach at this plan taking that turn for the worst.
I sigh knowing I'll probably regret this.
" Ok."

The day begins like every day since I've come here

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The day begins like every day since I've come here. I help Ciri practice with a sword for a few hours after breakfast. I don't see Hyde nor hair of Geralt. At this point I don't know if I should feel disappointed or happy. I help her with her footing and how to properly swing her blade.
I can tell a man has taught her. She's smaller than a man and needs to learn how use her size to her advantage.
" Ciri, Geralt taught you how to fight with brute strength correct?"
She stops swinging at the practice dummy to look at me.
" Yes but also to not fully rely on it."
Smart man. I knew there was more to him than brawn.
" That's correct. With you being smaller, you need to use everything you have to your advantage. For example, if a man comes up to you and starts to make you uncomfortable what would you do?"
She looks at me confused. " Call Geralt to handle it." My eyes widen at that answer.
" uh ...ok what if he wasn't there ? Then what would you do?" I ask.
She crosses her arms thinking.
" Well, I would wave my dagger around and make it perfectly known that I wasn't interested." I state as I place a hand on her shoulder looking into her eyes

" there may come a point where you are hurt, and defenseless. At that time you would run. Run until your lungs are burning, and you feel like your about to fall over from exhaustion . You don't stop, you don't hide , until you know beyond a shadow of a doubt you are safe."

She nods her head in understanding. She turns to go back to practicing but stops, smiling when she see's Geralt leaning against the practice yards wall. She hands me her sword and takes off running to him.
He steps away from the wall , meeting her halfway.
She throws herself in his arms and laughs as he catches her. I smile at the bond they have. He's completely different with her. A sharp pang of jealousy rears it's ugly head. I turn away from them , going inside to hopefully put this plan in action.

I walk into the large gathering hall to see Lambert, Eskel, Frank, Vesemir, Colin, Aubry , Bastian, and Klef all sitting or standing around talking. I notice several look up at me as I enter. I roll my eyes when I look at Lambert and he wiggles his eyebrows at me. " Hey Rafe, how goes the lessons with Ciri?" Asks Aubry . I sit down across from him and grab a mug of ale. Taking a swallow before I answer.
" She's doing remarkably well. So we'll in fact , that I wouldn't be surprised if she could beat a few of you in a duel before to long." A few protest, while others laugh. I smile at them trying to defend their manly pride.
" So , Lambert's been telling us that you had your heart broken while you were away." Says Colin
I glare at Lambert and say " Oh? Did he now?" I take a sip of my drink.
" He did , but he also said that you refuse to say what the scoundrels name was."
I smile at that " That is correct. " I look around the table to see anger and determination.
" Why not?!" Yells Aubry
I shrug
" There's no point in sending someone to challenge him. He just doesn't see me as more than a friend."
" you expect us to believe that this man , who must be blind , doesn't think of you more than a friend?" Says Klef
" I bet if you walked up to him and kissed him that'd change his mind."
Lambert says. I cross my arms and smile sadly.
" did that already. And he didn't even kiss me back. I jumped on my horse and rode away. I don't even count that as a kiss anyways. "
I get confused looks from all around me.
" then what is a real kiss? " Eskel asks.
I smile at that question " If you must ask. Kissing is an art You can do it right and you can do it wrong. Woman want a man at both ends of the spectrum. She wants to be kissed with passion that's all consuming that if you pull away that person may just disappear. But she also wants to be kissed softly , gently like the rain on a summers eve. Woman want both . But if you can find somewhere in between then, she will never let you go. Because it shows, you know how to take care of your partner. " I look around to see shock. I shrug. Then get a wicked idea when I see Geralt come in.
" would you like a demonstration?" I ask them. I see a twinkle Enter in Lamberts eyes. " sure Rafe. Pick any one of us and we'll be your willing participants. " just as I'm about to pick I hear. " pick who for what?" I look over my shoulder to see Geralt with his arms crossed looking on. "I'm teaching them what some woman like in a kiss."
He raises an eyebrow at that. " oh really?" I shrug
" I said what some like , not all." He smirks " please don't stop on my account. But let me ask you this Rafe. How you ever been kissed by a man?"
I tense at that question " No , I haven't , I've never laid with a man either." His eyes widen at my crude words. I hear someone gasp to my left.
A few moments go by and he asks " then how do you know what kind of kiss a woman likes?"
I take a step towards him. " because I'm a woman. Or did you so easily forget after this morning?" He grits his teeth, At the mention of him finding me naked in the hot springs. I grin and move around him. Leaving a completely dumbfounded company of men.
I hear someone ask " what's she talking about Geralt ?" asks Lambert
Pausing outside the door I wait to see what his answer will be.
" I walked in on her bathing in the hot springs."
Silence ......then laughter .
" You got a look at Rafaela bare and you didn't jump her? Are you a loon?" Exclaims Aubry.
" No I just have too much respect for her ." Huh?
" So if one of us wanted to try to court her. You wouldn't have a problem with it?" Asks Lambert

I hear a fight break out and I can't help but look back around the corner. Geralt is punching Lambert the others are trying to pull him off.
I'm standing there in complete shock.
Vesemir is watching the brawl with a smirk on his face. He makes eye contact with me and winks. He comes over towards me to stand next to me.
" I was only gone for five minutes what in the world set him off?" I ask
Not taking my eyes off of Geralt.
" Lambert made it known that he has plans on courting you. Geralt didn't take to kindly to that." He chuckles.
I drop my head into my hands and groan. "But he only see's me as a friend ...why would he care?" I look shocked at Vesemir. He chuckles and says " Because Geralt stubborn , pig headed man that he is won't admit that he wants you." My mouth drops open in surprises " But he told me he only thought of me as a friend."
I look up when there's a crash. There's Lambert sprawled out next to a suite of armor moaning in pain. I try to move over towards him but someone wraps an arm around my waist . Then before I can protest the manhandling , I'm thrown over a muscled shoulder. I look up to see the others smiling at me. Some even waving at me " You all are IDIOTS!" I scream.
They all laugh at me as I'm carried away. I will never understand men.

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