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I'm in and out of consciousness. I remember at one point being placed in something cold. Trying to get away from it.
"Rafe, calm down. We're trying to bring the fever down. You need to stop fighting us." I Fight harder when I hear Yennefer say this.
" Your going to have to help me hold her." She says to someone off to my left.
" fine." I tense as I hear him says this. I some how manage to open my eyes to see him start to strip off his shirt" No." I manage to say to them. They look at me in shock. " Don't......need your pity." I angrily say to them.
" Rafe, I can't hold you up in the ice bath. Geralt..." I close my eyes and concede. " fine." I ignore their whispered conversation and the sound of a door opening and closing. I hear the sound of his clothes drop to the floor.
I refuse to open my eyes . Not even whenever I feel his hands grab me to slowly move me foreword. He grunts as he slowly sits down behind me. He pulls me back into his chest holding me. One hand on my left hip and the other comes a round to lay beneath my breasts.
" Rafe, we need to talk." I'm not in the right state of mind for this conversation
" No we don't." I snap back at him.
He sighs and squeezes my hip. I slowly look at him over my shoulder. " thank you for coming to help Vesemir. You didn't have to come."
I scoff at him . " You doubted me. That I wouldn't come because of what happened last time I was here?" He nods his head.
" if I wasn't trying to heal right now I'd punch you In your pretty face." A small smile plays at the corner of his mouth. I turn back around to the front . " I'd probably let you." He whispers. I shrug my shoulder at that. We are silent for a good while till my teeth start to chatter from the cold. He stands up and quickly wraps a towel around his waist . He then reaches for me and stands once I'm in his arms.
He moves to my bed placing me on the soft mattress. He helps me dry off. I try to keep my face  from blushing but it doesn't work. He grabs a large tunic helping me dress. I hiss when I have to raise my right arm.
" It was incredibly brave of you to save Vesemir." I look up at him. "I was doing my job. I'm the healer of Witchers after all." He goes to say something but I quickly cut him off. "Yennefer is the one you thought had died .....isn't she?" He looks away from me and moves to dress. I see a muscle in his jaw twitch. I feel tears gather in my eyes . " I think I can finish dressing my self. "
" Rafe..."
" Get out Geralt. We're done here." I glare at him as He goes out the door not once looking back.


I stand on wobbly feet to pull on the rest of my clothes. I look around my room , trying to find my bag of belongings . My door opens and in walk Yennefer with a tray of food
" You shouldn't be up Rafe." I ignore her. To slowly make my way to the table where my sword and daggers are placed. I begin slowly strapping them on.
" You are so stubborn. You need rest. You've been in and out for almost a full week. Your not completely healed. " I glare at her.
" No offense Yennefer, but I know what I can and can't do right now."
Her eyes widen at my hostile tone. She remains quiet until I start packing up my things. Then says five words.
" You're in love with him." She states. I turn to look back and snarl at her
" Your point being?" I ask.
She stares at me for a long moment then moves towards me.
" He broke your heart. you confessed your feelings for him. And he rejected you." I turn away moving to the door. " This conversation is done." I move slowly down the hallway to the gathering hall.
" Where will you go?" She asks
" Away from here . I'm no longer needed." I grit through my teeth.
When I come to the gathering hall , I walk slowly m. Not stopping to speak to anyone.
" Rafe! Your up!" Exclaims Jaskier. I ignore him and keep going only stopping when someone says my full name
" Rafaela..... " I look back to see Vesemir by the fire resting. I change course ,kneeling down in front of him.
" You're awake. " he says .

" you know me Ves, nothing can keep me down." He smiles at me.
" You're leaving again. I had hoped you would stay." I smile at him
" you know I can't." I whisper to him. He looks back over my shoulder at someone. I follow his line of sight to see Yennefer and Getalt talking in a corner.
" You will have to stop running eventually. At least stay and regain your strength." I look back at him and ask " Are you asking me or ordering me ?." I smirk at him.
" It can be an order if it needs to be." I roll my eyes at him as I lean up to kiss his cheek. " glad your alright Vesemir. Don't ever do something like that again." I whisper in his ear. He cups my cheek looking into my eyes. " Go rest Rafaela. You used up a lot of energy." I move away from him-and look at the five men hovering behind me. " Oh back off you lugs I'm fine!" I take three steps and stumble. Galdir catches me and swings me up into his arms.
" Back to bed for you little one." I huff out a laugh in His arms not going to protest being carried back to bed.
We move back towards the door stopped by Geralt.
" I'll take her back to her room." I tense in Galdir's arms.
" that's alright Geralt. I'll take her." He pushes past Geralt and takes me back to my room. I peek over his shoulder to see Geralt grit his teeth in anger. He disappears from sight when we go around the corner.
" he's an idiot ." Galdir says
" I agree with you but that's his burden to bear. I wash my hands of him." He chuckles at me
" we all know you'll never do that." He says. I roll my eyes at him . " Probably right . But I can try to mend my broken heart the only way I know how." I smirk up at him and he chokes on a laugh. I slap him on the chest when I realize what he thought I meant. " you have a dirty mind Galdir." We come to my room and he sets me down.
" Try to stay out of trouble Rafe. We need you now more than ever."
He moves to go back to the gathering hall. " Hey Gal?"
He turns to look back at me.
" Thank you for bringing me to my room. I appreciate it. "
He shrugs " That's what friends do . We look out for each other." I move into my room and drop into a deep sleep.

Galdir is played by Chris Hemsworth

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Galdir is played by Chris Hemsworth

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