Kaer Seren

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We make camp for the night and I explain to Jaskier why I left Kaer Morhen. I see pity in his eyes as I retell my sorrow. " But it's been nearly a month , since I left. I've been slowly making my way to Kaer Seren. I figured the farther I could get,  the better." I shrug as I stir the embers in our fire.
" you've never been kissed? At all?"
I laugh at his shocked tone
" that would be the one thing you heard out of everything else!!! " I chuckle and look back at him " No I've never been kissed. " I smile a sad smile at him.
" Do you want to be kissed?" He asks. I look at him smirking. " why you offering?" I tease him.
" Actually I am." He states seriously
I stare at him for a few minutes considering his offer . " Can I think about it?" I ask in return. He smirks at me " of course . You just say the word,  my lips are at your command" he give a mock bow that pulls a laugh from me.
" get some sleep Bard. I'll take first watch . " he curls up into his bedroll and within a few minutes he's sound asleep . I look up past the barren branches to see the stars twinkling, sighing at the beautiful sight.
" he looks at me
I fake a smile so he won't see
That I want and I'm needing
What we should be
I bet she was beautiful
The girl he talks about
She had everything
That I have to live without

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The reason I keep wishing on a wishing star
He's the song I keep singing
Don't know why I do......"
     I finally allow myself to cry . I'd been holding back trying to stay strong but the pain just won't go away. It hurts.
I sob, not caring  if Jaskier hears me. I cry for what should have been mine. I cry until I can't hardly breathe. I'm breaking and no one seems to care.
I feel arms pull me into a chest . I grab his shirt seeking comfort from my new friend.
" I promise Red, your heart will heal. Maybe not today maybe not tomorrow, but you will be whole again. This will make you stronger, I promise." He whispers as he smooths my wild curls. I just tremble from exhaustion, I fall into a dreamless sleep.
I wake to find myself warm and comfortable. I close my eyes and try to drift back to sleep, until I feel two strong arms tighten around me. My eyes shoot wide open. I look  up at a sleeping Jaskier.
I cannot believe I cried on him. I don't cry!!!!!! But I did last night. I go to pull away and he mumbles something. I chuckle underneath my breath. I head towards the stream I had found last night to wash my face and to refill our canteens. I think about last night and feel lighter some how. The heart break is still there but not as suffocating as it was. I turn back towards camp, to see Jade sitting up rubbing sleep from his eyes. As I draw closer his eyes land on me , giving me a once over to make sure I'm alright. " if you want to wash up, I'll get breakfast going." I offer he stands in a sleepy daze moving towards the stream. I quickly fry up some meat and make some coffee. When he returns I hand he a cup. He grunts his thanks as he sits back down. I smile a real smile for the first time in about a month. " We should make it to Kaer Seren by night fall." I tell him. I feel his eyes on me . I look at him from the corner of my eye. " Anytime you need a shoulder to cry on.... I'm here ." I smile at him and I grab his hand and gently squeeze." Thank you ,Jaskier ."


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