Chapter 4

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"Who is SCORPIA?" Reid asked.
Alex went silent. He racked his brain trying to remember. "You can't stop this car."
"Sorry, kid, but you don't make the rules. I'm stopping this car," Morgan said.
Alex was having none of it. He unbuckled and got out as the car pulled to a stop.
"Where are you going?" Rossi asked.
"I'm not getting you lot killed. Though I think it's too late," Alex replied. They all got out and followed him. Morgan was at the back of the line.
Alex drew a deep breath and then let it go. He began to walk fast until he broke into a full run. When he felt like he was safe distance from the car, he stopped. He turned around and saw that Reid had stopped to catch his breath. Before he could say or do anything, the car erupted into flames. Rossi and Morgan paused, looking at the same horrible thing that Alex was looking at. Reid had managed to get away from the explosion, but he hadn't made it without getting hurt.
As Morgan and Rossi ran over to Reid, Alex was frozen in place. He couldn't move and he didn't want to.
"Alex," Rossi called out to him. He looked at them with fear.
"I'm fine. Don't worry," Alex heard Reid tell Morgan. "It's probably just sprained."
Alex stayed where he was. He scanned all the roof tops and trees for anywhere there might be a sniper. He couldn't see anything. Maybe he wasn't supposed to. He began to start looking in places a sniper might be but not ideal enough to make it searched.
Just as he spotted a man setting up a gun, someone grabbed his arm.
"Let me go!" he shouted. Big mistake.
As if on cue, a bullet zipped past Alex's ear as he tried to free himself from Rossi. Luckily for Morgan and Reid, the bullet missed them.
"We're under attack," Morgan realised.
"No duh!" Alex blurted as he ran for cover. He looked back to see that the others had gone for cover of their own.
"What's the plan?" Reid asked.
"You guys stay here. I've got this," Alex said.
He made his way carefully to the building. He had kept it in his sights the entire time. Finally, he was at the last leg of this journey. There wasn't much between him and the door. Nothing that would make a great cover. Looking around him, he saw that there really wasn't much, and he'd have to get very creative.
Before just going for it, Alex took one look behind him to check on the others. An ambulance had arrived and so had the police. From where he stood, Alex could still see into that window. Not to mention, the attacker could see him.
Alex began to go for it. He bolted to the door faster than he assumed he'd ever bolted to anything. A shower of bullets rained down and one did manage to lodge itself into Alex's ankle. The boy didn't fall over like the gunner had hoped. He managed to use the shot to his advantage and launch himself forward.
He hit the door a little harder than he planned to and reeled back a little. Another bullet barely missed him. He went back to the door and tried to open it. Much to his dismay the door was locked. There was no way inside.
The police were firing back at the sniper. The sniper was trying to stay focused on Alex. Alex could use this to his advantage.
He slipped out of the doorway and edged his way along the building. He hoped there was a back door or an open window he could climb into. His ankle was beginning to cause searing pain. It felt like it was on fire. He knew he needed to get it looked at, but there wasn't time for that. He needed to stop the sniper right now. Everyone was depending on him, though they didn't know it.
Adults never know how to do their jobs. They always send in school children, Alex thought.
Then he saw it. His way in. A window had been left open. It was just within his reach. Alex grabbed the sill and pulled himself up. It was too late when he found more people with guns inside. He tried to go back the way he came but the people were quicker than him. Grabbing him and holding him tightly. So tight he lost air. The edges of his vision began to go black.
"We have the boy," someone said into a radio. The blackness consumed Alex completely.

Outside the police were calling in back up. A SWAT team was arriving. But then the bullets just stopped. There was no warning, though there never was in these situations.
"What just happened?" Morgan asked, trying to understand what had just unfolded.
"Where's Alex?" Rossi asked. It was clear though neither of them wanted to say out loud.
"I think they have Alex," Reid said. He had just come from the ambulance, his ankle wrapped.
"How?" Morgan asked.
"I don't know, but it makes sense doesn't it? There's a big shoot out and then it just stops? They have to have gotten what they wanted," Reid explained.
"Someone has to tell Hotch," Morgan said.
"Don't worry about Hotch. I'll deal with him," Rossi replied.
As if he could read minds, Rossi's phone began to ring.
"Speaking of Hotch," Rossi said as he put the phone to his ear. He walked a little bit away from Morgan and Reid as he began to give Hotch the run down of what had just happened.
"We need to look into this SCORPIA Alex was talking about. They might've had something to do with this," Morgan said. Reid nodded.
"Hotch wants us to go back and regroup. We're going to find Alex," Rossi said as he came back to Reid and Morgan.

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