Chapter 5

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Alex couldn't feel his ankle. The pain was gone. He had almost expected to be there when he woke up.
Alex looked around. The room he was in was small and dimly lit. A camera glinted in the low light. Whoever it was could see him.
Alex soon found out why the pain had disappeared. He felt a little sluggish and when he moved there was the rattle of chains. He had been tied down and drugged.
"Glad you're awake," a voice said from all around.
Alex looked near the camera and noticed the speakers mounted on the walls in the corners.
"There's nothing to worry about, Alex. We've got everything handled," the voice said.
Alex racked his brain, trying to figure out where he'd heard the voice before. Then he remembered shortly before he'd blacked out.
"Why am I here?" He called out.
"A secret location," the voice replied. "There's no way in or out. You're stuck there until we reach our destination."
"I don't suppose you'll give me a hint to where we're going?" Alex asked.
A laugh boomed around him. Alex flinched.
"That would ruin the fun of it all," the voice replied.
"Can I at least have your name? I normally learn the names of the people I've taken down," Alex said.
The voice didn't come back for a minute. But it never gave an answer.
"Just sit tight," the voice demanded. Alex sensed a slight laugh in the voice.

The three who had been with Alex entered the room a little sullen.
"What happened?" JJ asked. She had only heard what Hotch had told her and that wasn't very much. Only about the explosion.
"We lost Alex. There was a sniper and he went to go stop the sniper. He never came out of the building and the gunfire stopped shortly after," Reid replied. He had been in the perfect place to see Alex go inside.
"Why didn't you guys stop him?" JJ pressed.
"We we're trying to not get shot ourselves. Not to mention it was hard to yell at him with all the gunfire going off. And he wouldn't listen to us in the first place," Rossi responded. There was an edge in his voice.
"Guys, can we focus here? This arguing isn't going to get Alex back safely. We need to look into SCORPIA," Reid said as a voice of reason.
"Reid's right. This isn't going to help," Morgan agreed.
"What's SCORPIA?" Garcia asked.
"We don't know. Alex knew but he didn't tell us very much. I think he only knew the name. It must've caused some sort of trauma for him," Reid explained.
"They're a criminal organisation we've been trying to take down for years. They're notorious for killing people," a woman said from the big screen in the wall.
"Team, this is Mrs. Jones. She's going to give us some insight into the case so we can bring Alex back safely. She has the most knowledge of Alex and SCORPIA," Hotch said.
"Thank you, Aaron," Mrs. Jones said politely as she popped a peppermint into her mouth. "Alex became a spy in March of this year. He's been very helpful. But we really only wanted to use him to take down Sayle Enterprises and to look into Point Blanc Academy. He got himself into a lot of the trouble he got into after that. Yes we did use him further after the first two missions, but he did agree to go on those missions."
The room was silent as she talked. Most of them were appalled that any government agency would be okay with using children to do their dirty work. Sure American justice was messed up but at least children weren't being used as spies.
"Why didn't you stop when you could've?" Emily asked.
Mrs. Jones looked down. "I wanted Alex to lead a normal life. I was always against Alex being a spy. I knew he belonged in school. Mr. Blunt saw it a different way. He wanted to keep using Alex for as long as we could. Alex's housekeeper and closest friend was against it all too. But Blunt thought no one would see a school boy as a threat."
There was another moment of silence.
"Guys," Garcia said. "I think I found Alex."
"Where?" Mrs. Jones was the first to ask.
"Well there's no visual of him being there as far as I can tell. But it does appear that he was at a private airport. There's a flight log listing a few passengers. There's a name on here that could be Alex," Garcia replied.
"Who's airport?" Hotch asked.
"There's no name since it's private, but it appears to belong to the Grimaldi family. It appears that an Eduardo and Giovanni Grimaldi are flying to the South of France for some business meeting. They have another passenger, but there's no name for the passenger," Garcia responded.
"Where in the South of France?" Mrs. Jones asked.
That's when the power went out.
"I don't think they want us to find Alex," Rossi said.
"Garcia, how did this happen? At this exact moment?" Hotch asked.
Garcia looked in the direction of his voice. "I'm not sure, sir. All my programs are very secure. Oh my god. If they were able to listen in they might have gotten ahold of other things," she replied. Panic had started to settle in her voice.
"It's not your fault, Garcia. It could've happened at any moment," Hotch assured her.
"Did you manage to see where that airport is? We could try to go there and stop the plane if it's not too late," Reid said.
"The plane was set to leave an hour ago," Garcia replied.

Alex was not having any of this. He knew something was wrong. It didn't feel like they were moving. Sure, they could've been flying, but Alex knew what that felt like and this sure wasn't it. He knew what he needed to do.
Carefully, Alex felt around his binds. If it was a simple lock, he could pick it. He was in luck. Turning this way and that, Alex managed to feel around in his pockets for something. He had a paper clip in his pocket. 
He managed to get it out. Bringing his knees to his chest, he began to pick the lock at his ankles. He hoped the camera couldn't see what he was doing. He had no idea how long he had been in this room or anything else. He could feel adrenaline begin to course through his veins. 
When he had finally gotten the ankle cuffs off, he began to work on getting his wrists free. 
"What are you doing?" the voice asked. 
Alex didn't say anything. He simply waved with his hands free.
"Sit down!" the voice commanded.
With a smirk, Alex stood up. He was beginning to have fun with this. He kicked the chains away from him and began to walk forward. 
"I will get out of here. I've gotten out of tighter spots. Should've seen it when I climbed out of a frozen lake. Or when I faked my death in the French Alps. I can get out here and there's nothing you can do about it," Alex said. He put a lot of bravery behind his voice. He didn't feel quite brave. But he knew he needed to in order to succeed. 
"You will do no such thing," the voice replied. Whatever command it once had was slipping. 
"Who are you? MI6? If I barely listen to them, what makes you think I'll listen to you?" Alex retorted.
The voice didn't say anything. Alex knew why. Or at least he thought he knew why. He was waiting for some door in the walls to open and have either one of the BAU members come through, or one of the enemies. Maybe MI6 with the BAU. 
Nothing happened. Alex walked up to a wall felt around on it.  

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