Chapter 2

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Alex had been recovering quite well. He had been giving them everything he could remember. He knew some of it was faked but he hoped they wouldn't notice. Of course the only information he faked was his own. He didn't want them to hate MI6 as much as they probably did.
"He's currently sleeping, so be careful. He hasn't slept well the past few days," a nurse said. Alex had been laying his bed with his eyes closed for a few hours. He hadn't fallen asleep but it had fooled the nurses.
"I don't mind waiting for him to wake up," Reid replied. Alex opened his eyes. He saw the nerdy man standing in the doorway with the nurse. "Oh look he's awake."
"Alright. Don't be too long though. He will need rest," the nurse warned. Reid nodded.
"It really shouldn't take long at all. Most of the time we'll just be making sure he feels safe and he knows we're waiting for any information he has. Besides I have to wait for my partner before we can even ask any questions," Reid said. The nurse muttered something Alex couldn't hear and then left. It was then that the older man appeared. Alex recognised him as the man who carried him out of the warehouse.
"Alright, Reid, let's do this," he said. Alex sat up. It was then that the two FBI agents saw how bad he looks. He had dark circles under his eyes and he looked straight up exhausted.
"He hasn't been sleeping," Reid informed Rossi.
"Alex, we have some news. I'm not sure if you'd think it's good or bad, but MI6 are sending an agent out to see you. They technically can't take you back to England yet as you're apart of our investigation. We hope the agent will be helpful in some way to your recovery," Rossi said.
Do we know who the agent is yet? Alex wrote on the notebook.
"They mentioned they were sending a female. That was all we could get from Alan Blunt," Reid said.
So they're sending Mrs. Jones?
"We might be able to take you with us to pick her up from the airport. The only thing we need you to do is get some serious rest. Do you think you can do that?" Rossi asked.
I'll try but the nightmares are getting worse.
"I didn't know you were having bad nightmares. But we're here now if you want to talk about it," Rossi said as he sat down in a chair next to Alex. The boy wrote down everything he could and talked with the two agents until a nurse came in and told them to leave so Alex could rest.

The car ride back to the headquarters of the FBI were spent in almost silence. Reid was going over all the papers he took out of Alex's notebook. The writing was a little shaky but still legible. Reid remembered the way Alex seemed to have shifty eyes. As if he was always looking over his shoulder. He had figured it was something to do with the warehouse, but he was slowly realising it was because of his past as well.
"We need to show this to the team when we get there. They might see something in this that I'm not," Reid said.
"Don't get attached to him. He will go back to England at the end of this and I don't want to see you not on this case," Rossi warned.
"Okay, but you might want to remember that yourself," Reid replied with a slight smirk. "I've seen the way you look at him. You're sad about his situation and you want to help him."
"We all want that, Reid."
"I know but the way you talk to him makes me think you want to see him overcome everything even more than we do."
"What have you found in the pages?"
"His uncle died when he was 14 and then he became a spy. He was beaten up on more than one occasion. And he's witnessed a lot of men die. One was said to have offered to adopt him."
"Wow. The team will eat this up."

Back in the office of the BAU, Reid and Rossi were telling the team what they managed to get from Alex. They had gotten a lot of what happened before the warehouse and after. It seemed he couldn't remember anything about what happened inside until he had seen Rossi.
"He's too traumatised. We need to be careful with how we continue," Reid said.
"But we can't stop. If we stop we could lose the trail forever," Hotch replied.
"Why don't we give him some cool down time. Reid and I already planted the idea in his head that he should remember what happened. That should be enough until the MI6 agent comes to see him," Rossi said.
"You know we need this to work. We need to pin this on someone. Many people died in there. How many more people should die before we stop these people?"
A cell phone rang and JJ answered it.
"Alex thinks he remembers something. He wrote it all down in his notebook and then passed out. Poor kid hadn't gotten sleep since we found him, and even then he was running on little sleep," JJ said.
"Rossi, Reid, take Morgan with you. Get some fresh eyes on the notebook," Hotch said. The three men got up and left the room.

Back at the hospital, Reid showed Morgan what had been written down on the notebook. It wasn't as detailed as it could be, but it was a start. He had written everything he could remember about just before the warehouse. It had details classified by MI6, but there was very little he could do about that. There was no way to really avoid that. Those details would help in the investigation.
When they had arrived, Alex was asleep. It was the first time Reid had ever seen him look peaceful. It was nice to see that he was finally getting some rest.
"Reid, I don't think we can use this. It's got details of the case he was working," Morgan said.
"We're getting clearance by Mrs. Jones," Reid replied.
"So we're allowed to use and see what he writes?"
"That's the only way we can communicate with him. It isn't worth it if he feels like he can't be heard."
"Yeah you're right. Anyway, this kid has been through some serious trauma. His uncle died and then he became a spy. People have died right in front of him. One of those people wanted to adopt him only to kill the guy who killed his uncle and himself. Maybe the warehouse is the final blow."
"It makes sense. Did you catch the bit about the scorpion carved on the door?"
"Yep. And that's mentioned to be the symbol of a spy organisation bent on destroying him. He foiled their plans on about three different occasions. They've tried to kill him and he thinks the warehouse was a cover for them to kill him and have his body never be found."
"It's sad that they tried to kill him. But we have him now and we might be able to nail these people."
"Don't get your hopes up too high. If Alex is right, it might be super hard for us to catch the party responsible if they're spies."

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