Chapter 3

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The team was assembled in their conference room. They were talking about what to do with Alex. He was nearing the end of his hospital stay and they needed to find a place for him to stay.
"We need to be sure we can have contact with him at all times," Hotch said.
"Wouldn't it be best if he stayed with one of us?" Reid asked.
"That might not be in our best interest. Mrs. Jones is arriving next week, and we can't have her thinking we're trying to keep Alex," JJ replied.
"Wouldn't that happen if we got him a temporary home in the system here?" Rossi jumped in.
"I agree with Rossi," Morgan said. Everyone looked at Emily.
"I think Mrs. Jones would prefer we take care of him. I just don't see that happening. He needs a steady environment. We realistically can't provide that," Emily said.
"We can make it work. Rossi and I are the only ones who can get Alex to make any sort of progress. I think if just Rossi and I care for him then maybe we can get him to the point where he'll talk, and this'll go over so much smoother. We just have to try," Reid explained. Everyone looked at each other.
"I think we should try this. It's only Reid and I taking care of a teenager. This should work out okay," Rossi said.
"Dave, you don't have to do this is you don't want to," Hotch said to Rossi.
"I know. I don't want to let the kid down. He really needs people on his side for once," Rossi replied. "Come on, Reid, let's go get him."

Alex was getting ready to leave. He had been told he would be staying with Rossi and Reid. He preferred them the most and it kind of showed. He was making more progress around them and losing it when they weren't there.
He had let his mind wander as he got ready, and he remembered what one of the men had looked like. He quickly sat down on the bed and began to write it down before he could lose it. He was so caught up in the task that he didn't even notice Reid and Rossi walk in.
"Hey, Alex," Reid said softly. Alex didn't look up. Reid placed his hand lightly on Alex's shoulder, making him look up.
"Are you ready to go?" Rossi asked.
Alex showed Reid what he'd been writing down. Reid looked it over. "This is impressive. Do we know who it is?"
Alex shook his head, making it clear he had no clue. 
"That's okay. We have someone who can find anyone no matter how long they've been off the grid or how long they've been considered dead," Reid said. Alex smiled. 
"We should get going. The rest of the team would like to talk to you. And you should get some rest in a quiet place," Rossi suggested. 
Alex grabbed the notebook from Reid. Alright let's go then. He wrote.
Reid nodded and helped Alex up. Rossi had a bag with Alex's original clothes, which had the blood and grime washed out. 
"We're going to drop Reid off at his apartment and then you and I are going to my house. Reid will swing by with another member of the team after you've had some rest," Rossi said to Alex. He nodded his head as the three of them left. 

Rossi led Alex through the door. The inside of the house was just as fancy. Alex looked around in awe. 
"I'll take you to your room," Rossi said. 
Alex followed Rossi up the staircase and into a room. It was bigger than Alex expected. The bed was enormous and looked extremely comfortable. 
"This is a guest room, but it's yours for however long you're here," Rossi said. "And Reid will be in the next room most of the time. He can't be here all the time, but he'll be here a good chunk of it."
Alex nodded. He understood what Rossi was saying. Alex sat on the bed. 
Rossi made his way to the door. "I'll come back in an hour. Then we'll go meet the rest of the team at the office. Maybe we'll stop for some food on the way," Rossi told him. He felt like he was talking to a brick wall. 
As a reply, Alex nodded and watched Rossi leave. Then the boy laid back and tried to think back to how he had ended up here. There was something he was missing. 
The search for Jack, the yacht in the south of France, Mrs. Jones. That might have been it. Mrs. Jones. That had to be the missing link. However, he was now running into another problem. Who was Mrs. Jones? Why was she important? Alex decided to forget her and try to think about Jack. Was Jack a man or a woman? Alex sat up. Tears of frustration welled up in his eyes. How were these people important and why couldn't he remember them if they were? 
After a few minutes of lying there, Alex got up and began to pace the room. 

An hour later, Rossi knocked lightly on the door. Alex hadn't slept. It had been too quiet, which caused him to think. That had been the last thing he wanted to do. 
"How did you sleep?" Rossi asked. He could tell Alex hadn't slept. He was pacing the room, mouthing out words. 
Rossi walked up to Alex. "What's wrong?"
"Jack," Alex squeaked. His voice was hoarse from not talking for a few weeks. 
Rossi looked at him in confusion. "Who's Jack?"
It was clear Alex was holding back tears. He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. He had no clue. 
Rossi pulled Alex close to him. "We will find out who Jack is. Don't worry."
Alex broke away from Rossi. He needed air. He needed to think without the FBI seemingly breathing down his neck at his every move. He turned toward the door and ran as fast as he could. Rossi tried his best to stop him, but Alex was just too fast for him. 
When Alex made it to the front door, he was almost free. If Reid hadn't been just arriving, then Alex could have made it out and to a quiet spot to think. 
"Alex, what are you doing?" Reid asked. He acted like a barrier. 
Alex kept looking over Reid's shoulders, avoiding his eyes all together. 
"Reid, don't let Alex leave just yet," Rossi said from the stairs. 
"I wasn't planning on it," Reid replied. 
That was when Alex pushed Reid to the side and ran out the door. Rossi had made the perfect distraction to get past Reid and out the door. Unfortunately for Alex, Reid had come by in an SUV driven by another member of the team. Morgan. He tackled Alex to the ground. 
"Alex, calm down," Morgan said as Alex thrashed and tried to get Morgan off him. 
"Morgan, let him go. Let us handle him," Reid yelled from the doorway. 
"If I get off him, he's gonna run away. Then MI6 will get mad at us for losing him," Morgan argued. 
Suddenly Alex lay completely still. He suddenly remembered something. Sabina. 
"Alex, are you okay?" Morgan asked. 
Alex looked zoned out. Morgan got up, but Alex stayed where he was. Morgan grabbed his hand and helped him up. 
"Alex," Reid said, his voice was filled with concern. 
"I-I need to f-find Jack and S-Sabina," Alex shakily replied. Tears were forming in his eyes again. 
Reid put his hands on Alex's shoulders. "Don't worry, Alex, we are going to find them. Right now, we have to go and meet with the rest of the team. We can see if Garcia can track them down."
Alex looked Reid in the eyes. "You sure?" 
Reid nodded. "She's one of the best."
Alex nodded. He was seeming to understand that they were on his side. 
"Come on. We should go," Rossi said as he climbed into the front seat of the SUV.

The ride to the office had been silent. Alex had sat in the back next to Reid. The entire time he couldn't stop thinking. Staring out the window, a lot of things dug up old memories. He knew he had told these FBI agents a lot, but there was more his mind was unearthing as they drove through the streets of DC. 
"We're almost there, Alex," Morgan said. He could tell Alex was nervous. 
Alex didn't seem to notice that he had said anything. He kept his eyes on whatever was passing them in the streets. Something was gnawing at the back of his brain. A feeling that something was going to happen. 
"What's that up ahead?" Rossi asked. 
"Don't fall for it. Keep driving. It's a trap," Alex said, a sense of authority and fear swirled together in his voice. 
"That seems unlikely," Morgan replied. 
"You don't understand. They might have found out that I'm still alive. They can't know I'm still alive. You can't stop unless it's a red light," Alex pleaded. 
"What if it's a person and they're in trouble?" Morgan asked. 
"You're not listening. They're after me and they won't stop until I'm dead. You can't stop them, Rossi can't stop, Garcia can't stop them, no one can stop them," Alex's voice rose as he made his point. 
"Alex, who is after you?" Reid asked. 
Silence followed but only for a minute as Alex searched his brain for the answer. 
"SCORPIA," he replied with a sudden sense of calmness. 

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