Chapter 12

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The next morning the team was assembled and talking about the case. They had Danny and Bobby in custody and had already questioned them.
"We still need to figure out who the lady was. According to Danny she wanted Alex alive," Rossi said.
"They didn't give us anything to on. They're denying anything related to Alex," Prentiss said. She had questioned Danny herself.
"There's gotta be something. Otherwise why kidnap Alex and Rossi?" Morgan asked.
The room went silent as everyone thought about it.
"We'll need to question them again. With some different tactics. I'm going to see if Mrs Jones can help," Hotch said.
"That might not be a good idea," Rossi replied.
"I've made my decision. I'll need you to watch Alex while we question them," Hotch said as he walked out.

Alex sat across from Mrs Jones. He didn't want to be there and hoped she could tell.
"You can't stay here," Mrs Jones said. "We have to leave tomorrow."
"Is Jack going to meet us at the airport?" Alex asked.
Mrs Jones nodded.
"Why did it take two weeks to get here? I could've died. This is Point Blanc all over again."
"Don't say that," Mrs Jones replied.
Alex looked at her dead in the eyes. "If you don't care about me just say so. Don't go leaving me places to fend for myself."
"It's not like that, Alex," Mrs Jones pleaded. Alex ignored her. He stood up and walked away.
"Alex," Rossi called after him.
"What?" Alex asked. He'd spun around quickly.
"Come with Reid and I. You look like you could use an hour or two away from here," Rossi suggested as he grabbed his coat. Alex followed him as he walked towards the door.

Hotch was talking to Mrs Jones in his office while Rossi and Reid took Alex out for some food after he walked away from Mrs Jones. They'd already questioned Bobby and Danny. They hadn't gotten any other information about the woman other than she shared a name with a flower. Garcia was running names that connected Alex and the Johnson brothers.
"We're leaving tomorrow. He needs to go back England," Mrs Jones said. There was almost no emotion in her voice, which Hotch found weird.
"I'm sure Alex is excited to go home. We'll need to contact him once the case is over. He'll want to know," Hotch said.
Mrs Jones nodded. "Tell me first and I can relay any information to him."
"That's not what I'm saying. Alex won't want to talk to you after this," Hotch reasoned. Mrs Jones frowned.
"He'll have to," she said as she walked out.

Alex sat across from Reid and Rossi. They were in a McDonalds waiting for their food.
"What are you going to do when you get back?" Reid asked.
"Sleep. Then go to school. I miss it," Alex replied.
Rossi laughed a little. "I've never known a teenager who wants to go to school. But I get it. You haven't led a normal life in a while."
"Not since my uncle died."
"You must miss him."
Alex nodded and quickly wiped away the tears that were forming. "Can't change the past though. And believe me, if I could I would."
"There's something we would all change if we could. But we can't and we just have to live with it. Look for the tings you wouldn't change."
Alex half smiled. "I'll miss you two as much as I miss school."
"We'll miss you too," Reid replied. "We should be heading back. They'll be wondering where we are."
Rossi nodded. "Unfortunately I agree. Come on, Alex."

Mrs Jones watched Rossi, Reid, and Alex enter the office. They were laughing like they were having a good time.
Mrs Jones popped a peppermint into her mouth and started towards Rossi.
"Mr Rossi, can I have a word with you in private?" She asked.
Rossi gave her a weird a look. "Sure. And you can call me Rossi or Dave. No need for Mr," he replied.
The two of them went into Rossi's office. Alex tried to follow them, but Rossi stopped him.
"I'll just be a minute. Why don't you show him some magic tricks, Reid," he suggested.
Reid's face lit up. "Yeah. Come on, Alex, I've got some of the stuff in my desk."
"What is it?" Rossi asked when he closed the door.
"I need Alex to adjust to you not being around. I'll be bringing him with me to the hotel room tonight so we won't have to worry about rushing tomorrow for the plane," Mrs Jones informed him.
"He has things at my house. Can he at least grab them before you uproot him again?" Rossi asked. He was trying to stay civil, but it was hard when dealing with Mrs Jones.
"Can't you send them through the post?" She asked.
"He shouldn't have to leave anything here, Mrs Jones!" Rossi yelled. He composed himself. "I'm didn't mean to yell at you. I'm sorry."
Mrs Jones didn't say anything. Instead she left the office.
"Alex, you're coming back to the hotel with me tonight," she said as she walked towards him.
"No. I don't have to listen to you," he replied.
"Alex, weather you like it or not, I am the person in charge of you here. It'll be easier for you tomorrow if you stay with me. I'm not going to have another word on the matter," she hissed.
Rossi glared at her.
Alex stood up. "No! I want to stay with Rossi. He actually listens to me. Unlike you."
Mrs Jones tried to prevent Alex from walking away, but he just kept going.
"Leave him alone. He needs some space," Rossi said. "Reid, make sure he doesn't leave again."
After an hour, Alex came back with Reid.
"I'll go to the hotel tonight with you, if I get to go collect my things from Rossi's house right now," he said.
Mrs Jones looked a little shocked and upset. Rossi looked impressed.
"Fine. But you'll only have thirty minutes," she said.
"Come on, Alex. Let's get your things," Rossi said as he guided Alex away.
At Rossi's house, Alex shoved what little he had into a bag. He didn't want to leave, but he knew he needed to. Jack would be worried sick. He would've texted her, but he'd lost his phone.
He grabbed the notebook and pencil from when he wasn't talking. He quickly jotted down some of his information and tore the page out. He looked around the room for a place to hide it.
"Alex, it's time to go," Mrs Jones said.
"One moment!" He shouted back. He stuffed it between the mattress and the frame.
"I'm all set now," he said as he opened the door.
Mrs Jones didn't say anything. She turned and walked out to the car.

Alex stood in the airport, looking out over the sea of people.
"They probably aren't coming, Alex. We need to go," Mrs Jones said.
"He said he'd come say goodbye," Alex replied. He stood on his tiptoes and craned his neck for a better look.
Mrs Jones shook her head. She pulled a peppermint out of her pocket and popped it into her mouth.
"Alex!" Someone shouted.
"Rossi!" Alex shouted back. He ran towards the man before Mrs Jones could stop him.
"I'm sorry I'm late. I was told the wrong time," Rossi said.
Alex frowned. "By who?"
Rossi didn't say anything. Alex turned to look at Mrs Jones.
"Alex," she began.
"No!" Alex said.
Before he could say anything else, Rossi spun him around. "Don't hate Mrs Jones. It's not going to help you in any way. Just be happy I showed up at all," he said.
Alex shot a glare at Mrs Jones. "It is a long plane ride. There's time for not lis to her."
Rossi smiled. "Exactly."
"Alex, we have to go or we'll miss our flight," Mrs Jones said.
"Behave yourself, kid," Rossi said.
Alex wiped away some tears that were forming. "Only if you do the same, kid," he replied as he gave Rossi a hug.
Rossi hugged back and they stood like that for a minute. Alex pulled away.
"Remember, I can find out Jack's information and keep tabs on you," Rossi joked.
"You wouldn't," Alex replied. He smiled as he waved goodbye to the agent. 

When Alex through the door to his house in Chelsea, Jack was waiting for him.
"I'm so glad you're alive. I was worried sick when they said they'd lost you," she said as she hugged him.
"We should visit America sometime," Alex replied.
"What?" Jack asked as she pulled away. She was shocked that he'd said that.
"We should visit America sometime. I left some things behind when Mrs Jones came to get me. She's acting weird," Alex said.
Jack led him into the kitchen and handed him a mug. "She's probably trying to cover her ass. So what happened?"
Alex told her everything he could remember. Things before the warehouse were still fuzzy. And the attempted drowning was beg to feel off somehow. He needed to get to the bottom of it. But for now he was going to try to be normal.
"Oh, Jack, can we go into town later? I need a new phone. I lost mine," Alex said.
Jack smiled. "Of course we can."

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