Chapter 8

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The phone began ringing. It startled Hotch out of his thoughts.
"Hello?" he answered.
"Hello! It's Alex. I'm in Rossi's car boot. I think there's some trouble. He hasn't gotten back to the car yet," Alex whispered into the phone.
"Alex, stay calm. I'm going to put Garcia on this call so she can track where you are. Where's Rossi?" Hotch replied.
"I think he's still talking to the man," Alex whispered after a moment of silence.
"What man?" Hotch asked.
"Middle aged, balding, Caucasian man. He said something about the FBI wanting me. Is that true?"
"Alex, you have nothing to worry about now. We were the ones looking for you. Reid told me everything he knew. We're not mad. We just need you back here safely," Hotch said. He heard some noises on the other end. Some muffled talking noises and the sound of a car starting. Suddenly the line went dead.
They're in the car and driving us somewhere. Rossi is in the car too. I can't talk on the phone or they'll know I'm still here. I'll leave the phone on for as long as possible.
The text read.
Hotch sighed. He didn't know how he was going to tell the rest of the team that Rossi was now missing with Alex.

Alex stayed as still as he could in trunk of the car. He could see the sky from where he'd crammed himself into. He was curled into a ball between the two back rows of seats. There happened to have been a pile of blankets in the last row. Alex guessed for shock. He had thrown them over himself in attempt to hide himself, but he'd left his face open so he could see.
He could hear the people in the front of the car. The driver was on the phone.
"We have a small change in plans. We don't know if we have the boy, but we have a government agent and his car," the driver said. It was the man from earlier.
Alex couldn't hear the other side of the conversation.
"Well, we're doing the best we can, given the fact that we have no clue where the boy actually is," the man said.
Alex gave Rossi's phone a quick glance. He put it on silent so the phone wouldn't give him away. He listened intently for any information that could help him or the BAU out. He would definitely send them anything he could.  

What was left of the team gathered in the conference room. It was a little somber and only going to get worse.
"Alex and Rossi have been taken," Hotch announced as he walked in.
The team traded worried looks.
"Are they okay?" Emily asked.
"As far as we know, Alex is just fine. We don't know how Rossi is. Alex can't check on him or he'll give himself away," Hotch replied.
"So, they have no idea Alex is there? How is that even possible?" Morgan asked.
"Alex hid in the car before the car was taken to a secondary location," Hotch said.
"How do we know?" JJ asked.
"Alex," Reid realised. "He has some training from MI6. He knows how to get ahold of people when he wants to."
"Alex did call from Rossi's phone," Hotch confirmed.
"I can track the phone if you need me to," Garcia volunteered.
Hotch nodded. "I'll need you to."

The car coasted to a stop. The man waited for a minute. Another car pulled in behind them. Alex tried to shrink himself down a little further. He couldn't be seen at all costs.
"Park the SUV in the barn. We'll bring the agent into the basement after," someone said. It was another man, but it wasn't the same one who'd driven Rossi's car out here.
The engine roared back to life. Alex felt the car pull forward then stop. The door opened.
Rossi looked over the back of his seat. He'd been pretty quiet the entire time and Alex was thankful for it. The two of them locked eyes. Alex put a finger to his lips. Be quiet.
Rossi nodded and turned back to face the front just in time for the car door to slam shut.
The car began to pull forward again. Alex tried to relax a little before the harder part of this.
The car engine cut off. It was go time.
Alex heard the men come in.
"Hello," Rossi greeted in a friendly tone. Alex didn't dare take any sort of peaks as to what was happening. But he could hear everything.
"Don't talk to us. You're our prisoner. Our hostage. You will do what we say when we say it. If you don't, serious harm will be taken on the boy," the man said. Alex tensed you at that. Did they know he was here with them?
"Fine. I agree to your terms," Rossi replied evenly. Alex heard the sound of a fist making contact with something.
"You don't get to speak," the second man reminded him.
They dragged Rossi out of the car. Alex caught a quick glance at them. Rossi had some blood dribbling out of his nose. He quickly threw the blankets over his head as they passed by.
Don't be seen. He thought.
He heard a big door close and knew that was his cue.
Slowly and carefully, Alex got out of the backseat. He carefully opened the back door and climbed out, closing it slowly behind him. He pressed his body against the wall and waited a minute. There was no sound of anything. 

Rossi stayed calm and collected when the men brought him down to the basement. He was trying to form a profile of them in his mind. They had taken him and Alex. Why? What was their motive? Were they doing this for Alex or him?
The questions swirled unanswered in his brain. He would have to figure out what was going on from the basement. He looked around for any answers. The window provided very little light. The overhead light was off. Rossi took note of that. 
They must be trying to keep me blind without actually blindfolding me. Rossi thought. It was a good possibility. 
He patted his pockets for his phone but didn't feel it. He hoped Alex had it. If Alex has it, then maybe the team can find us. He thought.

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