The Other Time Of The Month

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So this is a small idea I had and thought it would be fun to see how to make a short story, and its definitely short, so sorry

Art is too KeyaArtz on discord!

And in this chapter I made it about the listener having lady problems so be warned? if that makes you uncomfortable just ignore it pleas. enjoy!


They pulled into the driveway and sighed relived. they clutched their stomach and groaned resting their head on the steering wheel and breathed trying to muster the strength to get out of the car seat. Normally the cramps weren't this bad, but today it felt like a sword had been impailed into their stomach, going deeper with each breath.

Eventually they mustered the energy and unbuckled, getting out. They opened the trunk and grabbed the few grocery bags and managed to shut the trunk.

Ever since meeting a certain werewolf, who could hunt game around the Spareon woods, they didn't have to buy meat from the stores and made shopping easier on them and their wallet. They trudged up and figured out how to open the door to the cabin.

"Hey, I'm home!"

Grayson was sitting on the couch, finishing re-wrapping his shoulder but he looked over at them and grinned, greeting them when they burst through the door. They put down the bags of groceries they were carrying and smiled at him, hugging their stomach again.

"How does your shoulder feel? Does it still hurt?"

"Its better, but your brother still did quite a bit of damage. Even with my advanced healing, it will most likely scar which will be another battle scar to show off."

He chuckled and made a show of flexing and showing off his various bites and scars on his chest and back.

They rolled their eyes and turned towards the groceries, and felt their face flush against their wishes. It was bad enough he wasn't wearing a shirt, but with him flexing like that it they couldn't help but go red.

Another wave of pain washed over them and they grunted catching themselves on the table, and clutched their stomach tighter. They heard him stop and they coughed to try to play it off.

"Hey, Ill be right back I need to use the bathroom."

"Uh sure, but are you feeling ok?"

"YEah, I just need a minute"

They rushed into the bathroom and closed the door, and groaned. They were not looking forward to the next few hours

*timeskip because that is not fun to write about and I'm sure you don't want to read about the pain*

"Hey dummy, its been a while, are you doing ok in there? wait..."

He started sniffing outside the door and the handle moved slightly. They opened their eyes and lifted their head up and looked at the door panicking, They didn't want him to see them this way.

"Im fine! Its nothing to worry about! Don't worry about me!"

"That smell... are you... bleeding?!?"

They cursed quietly and pushed themselves from laying curled up on the bathroom floor to sitting up and hugged their stomach tightly. Another wave of pain washed over them and it made them gasp out in pain. They heard him make a small noise of surprise and they watched in horror as the handle turned.

"W-wait, don't come in! I- err..."

He knocked the door open and rushed in crouching in front of them and looked them over trying to find where they were hurting. His eyes landed on their arm holding their stomach. They tried to scoot away from him, but he put an arm out to block them, and leaned in and growled.




They felt their face go red as they slowly looked down and moved their arms, and Grayson gently lifted their shirt out of the way, blinking in surprise at their clean, uninjured stomach.

He looked back up, questions in his eyes. They avoided his eyes feeling themselves go red with embarrassment, and chuckled softly.

"it may monthly friend...coming to visit."

Grayson blinked and they watched the realization hit him, and he stifled a laugh. They shoved his uninjured shoulder and was about to protest how it wasn't funny, but another wave of pain made them keel over in pain.

He froze before moving to grab them gently, and lifted them off the bathroom floor bridal style. They yelped and froze staring at him completely shocked.

"Wha- why- are you?"

"Well as comfortable as the bathroom floor looks, I think there is a certain werewolf who needs to cuddle and love on a certain someone in pain. Oh look! A perfect candidate!"

Grayson carried them out and opened the door to the bedroom. He shuffled over to the bed and set them on it, covering them with the topsheet.

"Stay here, I'll be back in a second"

He left and they heard the microwave be used and a bit of shuffling around the kitchen. He came back in and handed them a hot mug.

"Here, I made you some tea careful its-" They took a big sip and sputtered when it burned their tongue "-fresh out of the microwave idiot I was trying to warn you . Stupid."

They laughed sarcastically and put the mug down. Grayson went back into the kitchen and warmed up a heat pack and passed it to them as well.

"Here take this too, its a heating pad I heard that it can help with cramps."

"thank you, I appreciate it-"

Grayson cut them off by laying down next to them and wrapped his arms around their chest and pulling them closer holding them as the little spoon, he gently started massaging their stomach.

"Don't worry, ill take care of you."


And wow! I did short one! How weird.

but next will be Greg

Have good day!



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