
543 6 16

Wow 2 short ones in a row?

Must be something big coming....

And no I did not download and struggle with an electronic art program for multiple hours just to make this pathetic excuse of the cover picture, I have no idea why you would think such a thing 😳


"After you finish questions one through six, turn to page 394 and answer the essay question, but please, only one paragraph I would like to have time at night too."

A few laughs sounded from inside the room.

"Not a joke but alright. Now the bell should ring soon so you all can pack up, we are done for the day"

The school bell sounded and they watched as students filled the halls, hurrying to lunch or next class or wherever they go during the hour. They stood outside of Gregory Graves door, waving to a few student in their class.

After the rest of the kids left his class they went through the door. Greg had his back to the door and was flipping through papers on his desk. He was muttering to himself and his clothes were wrinkled.

They knocked softly on the door but he kept looking through the papers. They went next to him and leaned of the desk looking at him, and he jumped in surprise.

"OH, Heh hey there, you scared me, I didn't hear you come in, I was just looking over these papers my class just turned in. W-why are you looking at me like that?"

They stared at his face, worried. They couldn't help but notice the dark bags under his eyes, his ruffled hair, and tired look in his eyes. They brushed a piece of hair out of his face and cocked their head at him.

"Are you alright? You look exhausted."

He chuckled and brushed their hand away, looking uncomfortable. They stepped back and looked him up and down

"I'm fine, I just had a strange and long night. Really REALLY long night. But yeah I'm fine. Nothings wrong here"

They gave him a skeptical look and he shrugged, trying to play it cool. They hummed, pretending to believe him, crossing their arms.

"Hmmmmmmmno sorry, I don't believe that for a second. So got any plans for lunch?"

"Well uh I was just planning on staying in here and grading chemistry homework, I'm sure you understand there is always another paper to grade."

"Perfect! Your coming with me."


They grabbed Greg's arm and dragged him out of the classroom before he could realize what was happening. He stumbled after them and stuttered out excuses that went right over their head, until they arrived at the art room.

Greg looked around while they closed the door started setting up an easel, canvas, and paint.

"What are we doing in here?"

They pulled him into the art station, and handed him a paintbrush smirking. He stared at them with a blank look on his face and they couldn't stop themselves from laughing.

"Congratulations Mr. Graves, you now have your own art project!"

"Why? And what am I supposed to do with this? I don't have an artistic bone in my body."

"Don't worry I'm not asking you to recreate The Last Supper for me. Its actually very easy, all I'm asking is for you to cover this entire canvas in color. By the time your done I don't want to see any white on this paper. And use colors you feel like right now, not just random stuff. What do you want for food? We got burgers, pizza, and chinese nearby, any preferences?"

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