Chapter Six - Arriving to Pallet Town!

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You, Leaf, and professor Birch are walking down the dirt path through the tall trees of the forest. The professor was guiding the three of you through the forest with his map, stopping every once in a while to observe Pokémon's actions in the forest.

"This butterfree here has a different pattern on its wings than the other..." Said the professor, jotting down notes in his notepad about his observation. "Interesting!"

"Mhm." Said Leaf, becoming annoyed by the professor stopping to look at Pokémon. "Can we keep going?"

"Yes, yes! I just got distracted again haha!" Said the professor, catching up to you and Leaf.


The three of you have been walking down the trail in the forest for a while now. You haven't been keeping track of the time, but you were sure that you will get to Pallet town soon.

"So, what are your guy's names?" Asked the professor, trying to make some conversation.



"Those are very nice names!" Said the professor, smiling at you and Leaf.

The professor looked at his map and studied it.

"I believe we are almost at Pallet Town!" He spoke.

"That's great!" You said, happy that you can escape the forest. The trees covered the sky, so you didn't have much daylight. You didn't even know if it was day, it could be night. But Leaf said in the morning that they wouldn't make it when it's night.

The professor looked like he was thinking about something. Maybe he was going to ask you another question. You found out that the professor was a very social guy once you let him travel with you and Leaf.

"So, why are you guys traveling to Pallet Town?" He asked.

You looked to Leaf, who looked back to you. It was a should-we-tell-him-or-no type of look. You nodded to her, and she gave you a little nod back.

"Well we kind of maybe just escaped from team rocket and now are running from them." You said quickly, stumbling over your words.

"What?!" Said the professor, shocked. "I heard about team rocket on the news! How did you escape?!"

Leaf snorted. "It was pretty easy; we just battled some weak grunts and ran off to the Pokémon center. We agreed to travel to Pallet Town because I have some friends there." She explained.

The professor had an expression on your face that you couldn't really read. It was an odd mix between proud and shocked.

"Are... You okay professor?" You asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. That is crazy how you guys escaped from Team Rocket!" The professor paused. "How did you get onto Team Rocket then, if you wanted to escape?"

"Team Rocket kidnapped me." You spoke. It made you uncomfortable to talk about it.

"They stole my Pokémon, and I went after it. They then forced me to stay with them." Explained Leaf.

The professor nodded. "I'm sorry to hear that..." He said sympathetically.

"It's fine!" You said, reassuring the professor. "We escaped, so it's all in the past."

The professor nodded again. You know he still felt bad for you and Leaf. You two were just teenagers, anyway. The professor looked to his map, and back up to the trail again.

"Guys, I think we are here!" He said, regaining his energy.

"Really?" Said both you and Leaf in shock.

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