Chapter Nine - Shattered Glass

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You woke up to the sound of glass shattering, and Pokémon's cries. You rolled over to face Leaf, who wasn't in the bed. You hopped out of bed and went to where she was. Leaf was standing at the door of your bedroom, trying to open it.

"The door is busted! I can't open it!" She shouted in frustration.

What was happening outside of your bedroom? You didn't know, but whatever was happening it wasn't normal. Did somebody break into the building? You tried listening to what was happening outside of your bedroom. You pressed your ear against the wall. It sounded like... A Pokémon battle?

"Golbat, use air cutter!!" Said one voice.

"Blastoise, hydro pump!" Said a different voice that you think you recognize.

You heard the sound of a powerful jet of water, and some of it was splashed onto the other side of the wall you were against. That was definitely a Pokémon battle.

"Y/N! I got the door to open!" Cried out Leaf, opening the door.

You followed Leaf out of the door. The scene you saw when you exited your room was catastrophic. There were pieces of drywall around the floor, accompanied by pieces of shattered glass. You and Leaf carefully but quickly made your way through the mess, not stepping on it.

You saw a boy you recognized battling with a Blastoise and Arcanine against two Team Rocket grunts. What was his name again? Blue?

"Blue!!" Shouted Leaf, running up to the boy.

"Leaf! There you are!" Said Blue, still focused on the battle. "Can you help me out here?"

"Sorry, they took away my Pokémon."

"I can hold these grunts here, for now, to let you get Venasuar back."

"Alright! Let's go, Y/N!" Shouted Leaf, going off to the training room. You followed her.


The two of you ran out of the training room in a breeze. There weren't any grunts there, for some reason. You think it might be breakfast for everyone.

You and Leaf ran back to Blue, who was finishing wiping out the grunt's Pokémon.

"We got our Pokémon back!" Said Leaf. "Let's escape!"

"Wait, I didn't come here alone. Follow me!" Said Blue, running down the hallway to... Giovanni's office?

"Red!" Shouted Blue.

You and Leaf gasped when you saw the sight. It looked like whoever this person named Red was battling Giovanni and lost against him... But why was he knocked out?

"That's a terrible bruise he has! Let's get out of here. Daisy can help him!" Said Leaf.

"Yeah, let's go." Said Blue, picking up red and following you and Leaf to the exit.

Leaf opened the door easily. You were surprised it wasn't locked, and that no alarm went off. Maybe they set traps instead to set off alarms, instead of the door.

The scent of fresh air was amazing. You were grateful to escape. Leaf grabbed a Poke ball from Red's belt and tossed it into the air. It sent out a Charizard.

"Hey, Charizard! Can we get to Pallet town?"

"Charizard!!" Charizard nodded and crouched down so everyone can get onto its back.

Charizard flew through the air, flapping its powerful wings. It was so cool to be that high in the sky. You will never forget this experience. Leaf brought up her arms and ran her hand through a cloud, you did the same. It felt cool, honestly.

"Here we are!" Said Blue while Charizard landed at their destination.

Leaf hopped off and patted Charizard on the head thoughtfully.

"Thank you, buddy!" She said with a kind smile.

Leaf returned Charizard to its Poke ball and placed it back onto Red's belt. The four of you, one unconscious, made their way to Blue's house. Blue instantly opened the door.

"Gramps! We found them!"

Professor Oak quickly turned his head to you and the others, smiling. His smile faded once he saw Red.

"That's great! But what happened? Why is Red unconscious?"

"I will get Daisy!" Shouted Leaf, running to Daisy's bedroom.

"What happened?" Asked the professor, inviting you and Blue to take a seat at the table.

"We broke into Team Rocket's base, and we helped Y/N and Leaf escape... But Red said he wanted to visit Giovanni. I let him, and we found him in Giovanni's office knocked out with multiple bruises. Giovanni wasn't even there."

The professor nodded and looked down to the table.

"Interesting story, Blue. But you all are safe here, now. Do you remember the location of their base?"

"It's at ********." You said.

"Great, I'll tell the police about this." Said Oak, dialing numbers into his phone.

"Guys! I got Daisy!"

Leaf walked out of Daisy's bedroom. Daisy looked to Red with a shocked expression. She had her hands covered over her mouth.

"Oh my gosh! Lay him on the couch! I'll make some medicine. Come on, Leaf!"

Blue nodded and placed Red onto their couch. He sat on the floor next to Red. You could tell he was concerned for his friend. You heard that Red was staying at Mt. Silver... Did he come back to save you and Leaf? You shrugged and went to help Daisy and Leaf to make the medicine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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