The reunion

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Ian's POV

After arriving at the studio, I walked in to see that everyone had already arrived. Well, not everyone. There was still no sign of Nina. I'll admit, I'm pretty fucking happy with Nikki. She's gorgeous and not to mention one of the sweetest girls I've ever met. And believe me, I've seen my fair share of women. But there was something missing this summer. A hole, or a pit in my heart where Nina held a very special place. Without her, I feel empty. Broken. It's a hole too deep that couldn't even be patched up by Nikki. Maybe she feels the same, maybe she doesn't. All I know, is this is going to be one hell of a long season if we don't -I don't- communicate and figure out where we both stand. Does she still love me? You know what, screw love... At the end of the day, are we even friends anymore?

Soon after my arrival, I hear hoots and hollers coming from the entrance way. I slowly make my way back, to see a stunning Nina Dobrev passing hugs and smiles around the cast and crew. God she looks gorgeous, even though she's not wearing anything fancy. I don't care. I stand behind, staring for a little longer than I should've. She meets my gaze and her small doe eyes and peach coloured lip gloss shine from the high afternoon Georgia sun. She quickly looks down, breaking our connection, as a small smile creeps on to her lips. For a split second, I'd hoped she'd run into my arms and I could kiss her like we had never broken up. But instead, I calmly, yet awkwardly, walk over to her, and squeeze her in a tight hug that only lasted a few seconds, before she walked off in the opposite direction. But those few seconds were enough. Enough for me to realize that I felt something completely and utterly different and surely more surreal than when I held Nikki in my embrace. Being close to Nina made electricity jolt through my body, and course through my veins. It was certainly something very special, and very unique, that I've never felt with anyone else besides her.

It's definitely the power of Nina Dobrev. I'm interrupted shortly after by a tap on the shoulder. I turn around to see Paul walking away with a sly grin on his face. I mouth "shut up" to him, but soon, the same exact grin that Nina was trying to hide earlier appears upon my lips and rather then fight it or try to repress it, I just walk calmly to my dressing room while shaking my head.

"Yes. Definitely the power of Nina Dobrev..." I say only loud enough for myself to hear. Or so I thought..

"What about my power?" I hear a giddy voice say, as I turn the corner, heading down the hallway to my room.


"Ok you caught me, I was just telling Paul about how you can walk into a room and it automatically becomes brighter." I say honestly.

She gives a shy, but damn adorable look, as she stares down at her black boots.

"Um, well thank you for that, then." She says while turning back into her dressing room and gently shutting the door behind her.

I smirk. I want to be honest with her, and tell her how I feel, and kiss every square inch of her body, but for one, like I said, I have no idea where we stand right now. I don't have a clue in the world about how she feels about me even though the feelings I've had for her have never left, or changed. And two, I'm with Nikki. She's with Derek. We're both in relationships and have been all summer, because Nina wasn't ready for commitment. I mean, I understand because my job comes first also, but I was willing to find room in my life for both Nina, and my job. We could have both easily made it work. Although, I think it must have been a misunderstanding. So what I'm ten years older? I would've gladly waited a few more years for Nina, but the way she said no, sounded final. She said someday she may want to settle down and have children, but her tone made it sound like not anytime soon. And not with me.

I can't take this anymore. I walk, with determination in my step, to Nina's dressing room which is directly beside mine. Her door is shut, so I knock twice.

"Just a minute please!" She yells.

I don't listen, and walk in to find her half clothed and half not. "What the hell Ian! Get out, now!" She yells while trying to cover the entire top half of her tanned, fit body. She has her skinny jeans on and a black lace bra, but no shirt. "Calm down, it's nothing I haven't seen before." It's the truth. It's not like a haven't seen her naked before. On screen, and off screen. Besides she's not even naked, although I wish she was. She tries arguing and protesting yet I don't budge, so she simply sighs in defeat and throws on a robe. I don't see any outfits hanging in her closet, so I can tell she's preparing for our scene. Neither of us have a specific wardrobe for this one, because we're naked, under the covers.

"What do you want?" She says with annoyance and defeat in her tone.

I don't say anything. I just walk towards her and put both of my hands on waist, I don't feel her breathing and I can tell she's holding her breath. "Breath Nina, breath." I say with a hint of sarcasm. "We really need to talk. And you know it." I can feel her let out the air she's been holding, and breath in deeply, while putting her hands on mine, and removing them from her perfectly sculpted hips. "No, there's nothing to talk about Ian. We're over and its final, you've moved on and I've moved on so there is absolutely nothing to talk about. Now get out of my room, I need to change, or get undressed, or..whatever." She says, her voice cracking slightly from emotion, all while ushering me out the door, and closing it abruptly in my face. I hear quiet, shaky, sobs resonating from her room. I want to go in, hug her, hold her and tell her I love her, and wipe away all her tears because hearing her cry breaks my heart. But I know I'd just get kicked to the curb again, so instead I head down to craft services to get some food so I don't have to resist all the urges I have when I'm around her.

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