Chapter 6

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Note: some sexual content

Cillian and Noralie headed downstairs to breakfast hand in hand. 

After Noralie's third orgasm the night before, she had been spent and Cillian had just held her while she fell asleep within five minutes. Maybe he had teased her too much, but her willing, full submission had been beautiful and stroked his dominant side. Once he was sure that she was fast asleep, he had gone to take a cold shower and then sat down to work for another hour, before joining his mate in bed. This morning Noralie had woken again really early and while she tried to be quiet as she took a shower, he had woken up as well. Memories of the previous evening had kept Cillian from going back to sleep and once Noralie was back in bed, he had pinned her under him and buried his face in her beautiful pussy. Cillian made her cum twice before he was convinced that she was satisfied. Noralie had not stopped calling him 'Alpha' and when he asked her about it, she admitted that she liked calling him like this in private and who was he to deny his mate what made her happy. 

The others had already gathered at a big table and they went to say good morning. Cillian noticed Ryder's and Aspen's grins that they tried to hide. Apparently, they had heard Noralie. Which didn't surprise Cillian, he just hoped that they wouldn't make any comment to her. He was happy that she finally seemed to trust him more.

"Do you want a coffee?" She asked.

"Sure," he nodded.

"Do you take milk or sugar?" She offered, turning to the coffee station.

"None. Just black."

"Okay." She let go of his hand and walked away, leaving him at the table. 

Cillian sat down with his crew.

"So, Alpha," Ryder drew out the word in significance. Cillian shot him a warning glare to which his friend just grinned. "What's the plan for today?"

"What do you want, Ryder?" Cillian gave him an expectant look.

"Nothing, nothing. We're just happy for you and the luna, Alpha." Ryder emphasized the last word again.

"Ryder, I swear if you don't stop, I don't care that you're one of my best friends, I'll make you shut up," Cillian threatened his beta.

"So territorial this morning," Ryder taunted some more and then added on a more serious note. "No worries, I'll behave. I'm glad that she seems to feel better. We all wanted to hurt the MF last night." The beta looked angry at the memory of what happened last night in the diner.

 Noralie came back with two mugs and placed one in front of Cillian with a smile.

"Thanks, kitten," he smiled back. She gave him a small kiss and left to pick up some breakfast from the buffet. Cillian's eyes followed her, thinking about what they had done last night and this morning. He was falling hard for her. He took a sip of his coffee and turned back to face his friends. The grins on their faces had vanished making space for more solemn expressions.

"What's wrong?" He asked, unaware what could have caused this change.

"Cill, have you noticed that Noralie smells different?" Aspen asked, his eyes following Cillian's mate, who was waiting for her turn at the buffet.

"What smell?" Cillian asked, confused.

"Well, errr, pheromones," his gamma said and Cillian's face froze. 

No, this couldn't be happening now.

"Are you sure?"

Aspen and Ryder, both nodded and Cillian felt his body fill with dread. He turned to the other men at the table, who had all stopped eating.

Kitten - True Mates (Rougefork pack #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now