Chapter 13

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Noralie was nervous. Okay, that was an understatement. She was a nervous wreck. It was Saturday and after being at the cabin for a week, Cillian and her were finally heading back to the pack house.

Her awakening was over. Since yesterday morning she felt like herself again and not the sex-crazed version. She could think and act normally again. She still blushed at all the things Cillian and her had done even without having actual sex. She didn't regret anything, but it had been an intense start into their relationship.

The week had helped them get to know each other better. Cillian had done minimal amounts of work and they had plenty of time together. But now it was time to go back to reality.

Cillian told her that he would need to go on a border run with Easton, Ryder and Aspen the next day, which would take them from morning to evening. Noralie would stay back at the pack house. And from Monday onwards Cillian had to catch up with his work. After a week of absence he would be busy.

But Noralie had little time to worry about the next days, as the pack house came into sight. They were going to join the pack barbeque which was going on in the backyard. Cillian had told her that in the warmer months, they often had outdoor activities on Saturdays, as that was considered to be pack days, where also pack members who lived in the city were encouraged to participate to strengthen the communal spirit. Noralie had offered to make something for the barbeque because she didn't want to come empty-handed, but Cillian had told her that the kitchen staff took care of the food.

Cillian parked the car next to the garage where a lot of other cars had also been left. She could see people walking around and when she opened her door music, laughter and the smell of a lot of shifters invaded her senses. For a moment she was immobile.

Cillian came around the car and offered her his hand.
"Don't worry," he said and pulled her into his chest. Her apprehension was probably written clearly on her face. He leaned down to capture her lips in a sweet kiss and she let herself be distracted.

"Oi, Cill, about time that you showed up. Everyone's waiting for you," Noralie heard Aspen's voice shouting somewhere close by.

She tried to break the kiss, but Cillian just pulled her even closer and kissed her as if he was in no hurry to stop.

"Enough PDA. Your claim is as clear as day." That was Ryder's voice.

Cillian still didn't stop and Noralie was torn between enjoying the kiss a little too much and being embarrassed.

"Cillian, mom's looking for you!"

At Sofia's comment Cillian finally broke the kiss and growled clearly annoyed. They both turned their heads to where Aspen, Ryder and Sofia were standing with huge grins on their faces.

"Can't I have a moment with my mate?" Cillian asked grumpily, giving them a dirty look.

"You had her for a whole week. Time to share her with the rest of us," Sofia said laughing.

Noralie heard Cillian grumble something besides her, which sounded quite a lot like 'I'm not sharing', but she wasn't sure. She gave Cillian a smile and a small peck on the lips which he tried to deepen but she pulled away quickly and picked up her handbag from the passenger seat of the car.

"Not fair," grumbled Cillian some more and now Noralie had to laugh.

"I know, alpha, but that's life sometimes," she teased and took his hand in hers. Together they walked over to where the others were still waiting for them.

"Hi," Noralie said with a smile to the three.

Ryder and Aspen greeted her, while Sofia gave her a hug, which surprised Noralie a bit.
"Good to see you, Allie!"

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