Chapter 18

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Like on Monday they picked up some take away on the way back to the pack house. They didn't talk much, both somewhat anticipating what would be happening once they were alone. This was the first time that Cillian would go through with an actual disciplining with Noralie. He didn't count the spanking over a week ago. It didn't have the effect he had thought and they had actually included it into their bedroom activities. He liked how much she got off by it. There was a likely chance that, what he had in mind for tonight, would end in Noralie becoming aroused, but he accepted the possibility. She had already accepted his dominance and that she had made a mistake. He wouldn't mind that it turned into something they both enjoyed. 

They walked to their rooms hand in hand. He left his shoes at the door, but prevented her from taking hers off. In the kitchen, he lifted her wordlessly onto the kitchen counter and got cutlery. He pulled her flush to his core, so she could feel his arousal. He didn't kiss her, but started to feed her their dinner. She would need her strength. He also didn't talk like he usually did. He knew she liked when he ran his mouth. He wouldn't indulge her, yet. Noralie ate everything that he placed in her mouth.

"Good girl," he praised, when they had finished their food. She blushed. 

He threw the take away boxes in the trash and helped her down from the counter and guided her to the bedroom. He pulled her to stand next to the bed.

"Strip but leave your shoes on," he directed calmly and turned to the drawer, where he kept toys and equipment. He heard her breathing speed up and after a moment he heard fabric rustling. Good girl. 

He didn't look back and took several items from the drawer laying them neatly on top for her to see. He then turned back to her holding a small package in his hands. It had arrived the previous day in the post. Noralie had taken off all her clothes as instructed. Only wearing her black pumps, she was the most beautiful woman in the world even with the angry bruises covering her front.

"Open your hair," he instructed and she complied quickly. Her beautiful red hair fell down from its confinement and cascaded over her back, shoulders and breasts. He stepped in front of her and held the package out for her to take.
"Open it."

"What is it?" She asked curiously and lifted the lid.

"It's something I got for you, which I want you to wear sometimes."

She took the content out carefully.

"Do you know what it is?" He asked.

"A necklace?"

"Of sorts. It's a collar. It's a gift from me as your dominant."

It was a beautiful collar made from sheer white satin and rose gold chains. A small pendant was hanging on it, in the shape of a wolf.

"It's beautiful," Noralie whispered, inspecting it carefully.

"I know, but this isn't something you wear in public," he tried to explain. He doubted she would know.


"No. This is a sign of my dominance over you. It's between you and me. I don't want to share this with the public."

"Are you worried about bad publicity?"

"Our way of lovemaking is not always seen in a positive light," he said.

"But if it's consensual?"

"I know, kitten. This," he gestures between them, "makes sense for us. But not always for others. They might think I'm forcing myself on you. That I dictate everything you do."

"But you're not." She looked confused.

"No, but some people don't seem to understand and I don't want you dragged into some rumors."

Kitten - True Mates (Rougefork pack #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now