Chapter 10

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It was well into the afternoon when they headed back to Lawfield pack. They had stopped for some food on the way, because neither had had lunch. Noralie snuggled into his side like she had done since they had finished their love making - Cillian called it like this, because he had realized he loved her. He didn't dare to tell her yet. Too much had happened recently. She didn't need another thing to wrap her head around. He was happy that she obviously still wanted him, she could fall in love with him later. He enjoyed her being so cuddly, he also needed some closeness. She could stay the whole rest of the day attached to his hip, if it was up to him. He wouldn't let anyone separate them anymore today, if she didn't explicitly want it.

They arrived in Lawfield and found Ryder, Aspen, Alpha Lincoln, his beta, gamma and head warrior in deep discussion around a table in the backyard of the pack house. Cillian had his arm wrapped around Noralie's shoulder and her arm rested on his back. He wanted to mark his territory or maybe it was also the other way around. She seemed happy and that was all that mattered. Noralie had taken some medication again, so Cillian could think clearly, but actually this afternoon he hadn't minded that his sole focus was on his mate. He was happy that she let him try to make it up to her and it was clear as day that she relished in the attention she received from him. He kissed her head, before they came into talking distance of the other males and pulled her along. The men looked up, when they stepped closer.

"Gentlemen." Cillian nodded towards them.

"Alpha Cillian and Miss Noralie, it's good to see you again," Alpha Lincoln said friendly.

Noralie bowed her head a little in respect to the older alpha. "Alpha Lincoln."

"Where do we stand currently?" Cillian asked before anyone could make a comment about what had happened earlier. 

He pulled one of the empty chairs out, sat down and pulled Noralie into his lap. He was very territorial right now, as if he worried that other males had noticed just how special she was. Noralie didn't mind and snuggled into his lap and as if it was her place to be. Which it was, if you asked Cillian. 

Ryder gave him a brief report with what kind of plan they had come up with and Cillian nodded in approval. Alpha Lincoln had apparently agreed to start training females that wanted to receive it. Rougefork would send two of their fight instructors for training their warriors and fight instructors. Rougefork would also send a female warrior to help develop a training program for the females.

When Alpha Lincoln asked Cillian whether Noralie would be available for assisting in the training, Cillian answered, "You need to ask her, I can't answer that." He wouldn't patronize his mate. 

Alpha Lincoln shifted his gaze to Noralie.

"It's kind of you to ask, Alpha Lincoln, but my place is next to my mate. I won't be able to come to Lawfield for a longer time, but in case you want to train a female fight instructor, I would be happy to host her in Rougefork for some training," Noralie answered in her usual calm demure.

"That's a nice idea. I was hoping a bit that you would come and whip my warriors into shape," Alpha Lincoln said jokingly. 

Cillian felt himself getting possessive again. His mate would 'whip' nobody into shape. 

Noralie shook her head good naturedly.
"You mistake me for a drill instructor. My strength is defense. And I doubt your warriors even want to talk to me after today."

"This is where you're wrong, Miss Noralie. They don't talk about anybody else. I have had several requests for you to teach them," Alpha Lincoln said. Cillian couldn't help the low growl escaping his throat. "And that even though they know who your mate is. I dare say that you have made a lasting impression on them and everyone else watching - myself included."

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