Chapter 5

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Note: sexual content

Cillian led his mate to their room on the third floor carrying their bags. He held her hand and she quietly walked beside him. Once the door had closed he dropped their luggage and turned to face Noralie. Her facial expression was unreadable and he wondered what was going on in her pretty head. He carefully tugged on her hand and went to sit down at the edge of the bed. Noralie stayed standing, keeping a small distance between them.

"Kitten, come here," he said gently and tried to guide her closer to him, but she remained rooted to her spot.

"Do you think I dress inappropriately?" She whispered.

"What? No." He shook his head.

"Is this dress too revealing?"

She made a hand gesture towards the summery dress she had been wearing for traveling. It was a lovely, flowy dress with cap sleeves and it ended just above her knee. It showed probably less skin than most other dresses he had seen young women wear.

"No. It's beautiful. Why do you ask?"

She was quiet for a moment.
"He called me a slut. I wonder if that's how I come across to others. You know I don't have experience with men and I wanted to look nice for you, but maybe I tried too hard. Maybe I seem desperate. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to attract another male's attention. I'm-"

"Stop, baby," Cillian interrupted her rambles. "Listen to me." He looked at her intensively. "You didn't do anything wrong. Your dress is more than modest and even if it wasn't, it wouldn't give him the right to do or say these things to you, that he did. Do you understand me? It's not your fault this happened."

He waited for her response and when she nodded in understanding, he continued, "you're gorgeous, baby, it would be strange if other men didn't notice you. I can't fault anyone for looking."

She blushed a deep red. He once again tried to pull her closer to him and this time she stepped shyly between his legs. He held both of her hands gently in his. She didn't look him in the eye and bit her lip nervously.

"Could you make me forget?" She pleaded after some silent moments.

"How?" He asked back.

She nibbled more vigorously on her bottom lip.
"Can you touch me, where he touched me? Please." She sounded so insecure that Cillian's heart ached.

"Show me where." He wanted to help her get past this and he was glad that she still wanted to be touched by him.

"He grabbed my wrists."

Cillian slowly stroked his thumbs across the sensitive skin around her wrists. Then he placed soft kisses on both of them. Noralie sighed shakily.

"He sniffed my neck."

She guided one of his hands to the crook of her neck. He ran featherlight touches from her ear to her collarbone. He felt her rapid pulse pumping under her skin. She bowed her head to the side to give him wider access. He gently pressed his thumb on her marking spot and she sighed again.

"And he pressed his leg between mine."

She moved his other hand under her dress to cup her core through her panties. He rubbed his fingers over her nub in a circular motion and she released a small, breathy 'oh'. He continued to draw slow circles and her breath caught.

"Anywhere else?" He asked, when she hadn't spoken for a minute. He had continued to slowly rub her and her body's demeanor changed from complete insecurity and fear to becoming slowly more relaxed. She had closed her eyes and her breath started to go harder. He could feel a little wetness seeping through her underwear and he smelled her arousal. She shook her head in denial.

Kitten - True Mates (Rougefork pack #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now