Chapter 21

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Noralie woke up early the next morning, still next to Cillian. She was laying half on top of him, one leg draped over him, her head on his chest and her arm resting on his stomach. For a while she just laid there and listened to his heartbeat. She felt much better and stronger. Her back was still aching but nothing that couldn't be handled with some pain killers. Cillian was lightly snoring under her and she snuggled closer to him, letting her hand run over his chest. Touching Cillian relaxed her so much that she nodded off again.

When she woke up again, Cillian was lightly scratching her head. She purred content.

"Good morning, kitten."

"Hey alpha," she said and looked at him.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better. I slept well. How about you?"

"I'm fine. This bed isn't as comfy as our upstairs, but I got some sleep," he said and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

An hour later, they were finally able to leave the infirmary. The doctor had come once more and inspected the healing process on her back, which seemed to be good. Now that the wounds had closed completely, she didn't need to wrap it anymore in bandages. She couldn't wear a bra or tight clothes until new skin had grown and Cillian would need to rub some healing cream onto her back a couple of times a day to help the healing process. The stitches would come out on Tuesday and by then she shouldn't be in pain any more. 

It was still rather early on Sunday morning, so they didn't meet anyone on the way from the infirmary to the alpha wing. Noralie was thankful for that because she didn't want people to see her only wearing Cillian's t-shirt, since she didn't have anything else to wear with her in the infirmary.

"I'll go and make some breakfast, okay?" Cillian said when they reached their bedroom.

"Okay, do you want my help?"

"You can come and supervise but you're not lifting a finger," he said and bent down to kiss her.

"Alright, alpha, as you command," she replied with a grin.

"Don't get sassy, kitten." His warning was playful. 

She just laughed and went into their bedroom to change and freshen up. In the bathroom, she inspected her body. Some minor bruises were starting to fade and smaller cuts had healed, leaving only thin red lines of fresh skin. Her back still looked bad but better than the day before. 

She still had a hard time wrapping her head around the fact that she would have some scars. Normally shifter healing was effective enough to heal their bodies without leaving permanent marks. Their bodies were just that much stronger than normal human ones. And especially for female shifters it was somewhat of a beauty standard to have unblemished skin. Scars were by many considered as ugly. Cillian had said that he still found her beautiful and she really wanted to believe him. 

She quickly brushed her hair, which resembled a bird's nest after yesterday and washed her face. She then went to their wardrobe and put on some leggings and one of Cillian's button down shirts. She didn't feel comfortable to show her battered body to anyone besides Cillian. Rolling up the sleeves of the shirt to her elbows, she went to the kitchen, where her mate was preparing something on the counter. He was shirtless because he had borrowed her his shirt to walk up to their rooms. She smiled, she liked that he didn't feel like he was above doing things around the house. Even him being the Head Alpha, he was so down to earth. 

He turned when she came in.
"Hi head chef, I need your opinion over here," he said and beckoned her to him. 

She followed his request and stepped next to him. He had things taken out for making omelet.
"What's the question?" She asked, smiling.

Kitten - True Mates (Rougefork pack #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now