Chapter 25

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Cillian woke up in the very early hours of the morning from a terrible headache and with Noralie cuddled into his arms in the middle of their destroyed living room. At first he thought that he wasn't awake yet and this was just a strange dream. But his hammering head and the empty bottle standing just a few meters away from them told him that this was actually very real. 

He had completely destroyed their living room in his rage and then tried to drown his sorrow in whiskey. He remembered telling Easton to give Noralie the keys to the cabin, why was she here? Why would she put herself in danger's way like this? While he was of course happy that she hadn't left and willingly came back to him, he was still apprehensive of his own control. He felt like a ticking time bomb that could blow up at any point. She shouldn't be here in harm's way. She shouldn't snuggle into him like she trusted him without a doubt. She shouldn't forgive him again. Feeling disgusted and angry with himself, he laid on his back. Noralie moved in her sleep and draped her leg and arm over him and rested her head on his chest, like she liked to do. Even though he felt like shit mentally and also physically due to his massive hangover, he couldn't stop the content feeling that Noralie's closeness brought. He didn't deserve her, but she still wanted him.

A couple of hours later he woke up again from his phone alarm buzzing in his pocket. His head felt only minimally better and he had difficulties taking the phone out and looking at his screen. 

It was six o'clock. 

And Wednesday. 

Today was Council day. 

Even though he felt like shit, he couldn't take the day off. The regular Council session was this afternoon. He detangled himself slowly from Noralie's grip and got up, only to crouch down breathing heavily to pick her up. He wouldn't let her sleep on the floor.

Walking slowly he carried her to their bedroom and laid her on his side of the bed. He covered her with his blanket and stroked her cheek. Noralie sighed in her sleep. With a sad smile, he turned away and went to take a shower. He felt a little more like a normal person after cleaning up. He took two painkillers to hopefully get a hold of his headache and then went back to their bedroom to get dressed. Noralie was still sleeping. He watched her sleep while he got dressed in his usual business outfit of a button down shirt and suit pants. He didn't want to leave her alone but he needed to go. Since he didn't want her to feel any more rejected than she did, he picked up a piece of paper from the desk next to the bed. He left her a small message.

I'm sorry I had to leave. I love you. Alpha

It wasn't much but it was the best he could do. He pressed a kiss to her forehead. Noralie sighed again and he saw a small smile gracing her lips in her sleep and his heart felt a little lighter. Michael and James, who were driving him to the Council headquarters this morning, didn't say much except good morning. Which wasn't unusual but Cillian could see the looks they were giving him, when they thought he didn't notice. The whole pack probably knew about what happened yesterday evening. Cillian felt his annoyance rise again but tried to not let it show. His crew had done nothing wrong.


Noralie woke up in their bed. Alone but on Cillian's side. Tiredly she turned her head and found a paper on the nightstand. A sad small smile found its way to her lips. He still loved her. She desperately wanted to believe that. Sighing she got up and went to get ready for the day. It was like being on autopilot. She showered, washed her hair, dried herself and her hair, brushed teeth and put on some face cream and waterproof mascara. Leaving her hair open, she went to look for something to wear. She had the final meeting with her case worker today and needed to go to Council headquarters. 

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