Chapter 7 - Back to Business Pt I

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"Welcome to the Four Seasons Miss Edwards and Miss Hemmings, we've been expecting you." The front desk employee greets as we arrive in the hotel. I walk through admiring the dark marble flooring throughout the front entrance.

Our bags had just been taken by the porter to be transported up to our suite and Ellie's car had been taken by the valet. I thought it would be a good idea to splurge a little bit and treat myself and Ellie to a four seasons terrace suite, since it's the first time we've been out in months. I thought it could be like a mini holiday, well at least when I wasn't working.

"Here are the keys to your suite." He hands us each a card. "If you need anything at all during your time with us, don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy your stay!" We quickly thank him and make our way to the lift.

"This place is proper fancy." Ellie observes as she lets me press the button in the lift to our floor.

"Init just." I agree as the metal box we're stood in begins to ascend. "I don't understand how he can be so chirpy at this hour 'an all. If that were us I'd probably be telling all the customers to do one."

"I know you would." Ellie laughs along with me, just as the lift doors open.

We step out and make our way down the hall to our terrace suite. I unlock the door and we both head inside, immediately spotting our bags on the floor next to the large mirrored pillar in the centre of the "foyer".

"This place has two bedrooms right?" Ellie asks as she wonders through the main living area, admiring the chandelier styled lamp above the dining table.

"Yeah, I think master bedroom is that way, and the other one is through there." I point toward the hallways that are in opposite directions as I speak.

"Fancy schmancy." She says in a funny voice, walking back toward me by our travel bags. "What time do you need to be on set?"

I look down at my apple watch seeing that it's nearly 6am. I luckily managed to get a quick two hour nap in the car on the way here, but I was still exhausted.

"I think hair and makeup is at eight." I yawn and move around the room to plonk myself down on the cream coloured sofa.

"Okay." She picks up her bag and walks to the "guest" bedroom. "I'm gonna try have a kip. Did you need me to drive you to set?"

"No remember because of the room I've booked we get all these other services and facilities, one of them is a car service." My voice comes out quite quietly as my guilt kicks in.

I'd literally made Ellie come with me, although my brain chooses to ignore that she would rather come than be by herself in our house. I made her drive us down here, even though I can't drive. I got to go to sleep in the car, leaving her to entertain herself on the dark roads. She's probably dying to go to sleep.

"No I don't remember that."

"Did you not listen to the lad behind the reception tell wor when we got wor room
keys?" I ask teasingly, trying to force myself into some sort of normality.

"Uhh..." She raises her eyebrows and shrugs playfully, letting me know she did in fact not listen to a word he said. "Don't look at me like that, I'm knackered after driving your lazy arse to London."

I know she's just joking, but my weirdly-wired brain twists it into some sort of confirmation for my insecurities. I look down as that anxious feeling starts to rise throughout my body.

"Sorry..." I mutter still not looking up. "That sounds like a good idea though. I'm probably gonna try and get an hour as well." I leave no room for discussion by picking my bag up and locking the door to my temporary bedroom behind me.

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