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I didn't see it
The way you used to gaze at me
The way I gaze at the stars

I didn't see it
The way your hands clenched
When I talked about not existing anymore

I didn't see it
The longing in my eyes
When I really looked at myself

I didn't see it
The desperation in my heart
At every thought I have of you

I didn't see it
The hesitation you showed, though dainty
When she asked you about forever

I didn't see it
The way my morals went crashing out of the window
Simply because of a few words you muttered under your breath

I didn't see it
The way she looked at you
Like you were her world, you were her everything

I didn't see it
The way my mind plays movies of the memories I have of you
Whenever I'm lonely

I didn't see it
Even though my heart says otherwise
I didn't see any of it

this was very random I just wrote it because I felt like it, it's for you but not about you lmao

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