Chapter 5 - Air Temple sanctuary

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- Third POV -

(Mizuki just turned fourteen)

Mizuki's sitting under a tree, wondering if she would find any airbenders at the Southern Air Temple. She knew it was impossible, but a small part of her wished it wasn't. Mizuki looked at the temple, not understanding how someone could murder a person, let alone a whole race. She absolutely hated the hundred year war, it was gruesome. I don't understand how people romanticize wars in stories. They portray them as heroic, even epic. What a huge lie that was. In reality, wars are tragic and horrific, resulting in nothing but death and destruction. Mizuki knew that there was only person who could end the war. The Avatar. But no one knows where he is. He can't be dead, otherwhise there would of have been a new Avatar. Mizuki starts walking towards the Southern Air Temple, and to her surprise it looks beautiful. Of course, if she had visited the Southern Air Temple a hundred years ago it would've been a lot prettier. But she didn't mind.

"Woahh" Gasps Mizuki as she enters the Southern Air Temple. The building looks quite old but it's still in shape. Alright, I've got to find the Air Temple Sanctuary. Akio told me that only airbenders can open the doors of the Air Temple Sanctuary doors. Which means that it must contain some important information. Oh! There is the door, it's a huge door! Okay, now how do I open these? It looks like I'm supposed to bend some air into the horns. Here goes nothing.

"It worked!" Grins Mizuki after creating a blast of air to open the doors. The doors slowly open and reveal a huge room. Mizuki hesitates for a second but enters the room anyway. Wow, all these statues are statues of the previous Avatars! Mizuki starts walking towards the center of the room to see if she would be able to recognize any of the Avatars. Even though she never went to school, her parents tried to teach Mizuki as much as possible. Hmm I think that's avatar Roku, since he was the second-last avatar. Suddenly, Mizuki comes up with the idea to enter the spirit world. She should be able to enter it by meditating since this is a very spiritual place. And maybe there will be a spirit who can tell me if there are any airbender descendants around. Mizuki puts her small bag down and sits on the ground in front of Avatar Roku's statue. After meditating for a while she manages to enter the spirit world. Wait a second- is that Avatar Roku!?

"Hello, you must be the Avatar's guide. I've been waiting to meet you Mizuki" Upon hearing this, Mizuki blinks confused. Guide? What's that suppposed to mean?

"It's nice to meet you avatar Roku" Answers Mizuki politely, still wondering what Roku meant.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too. So, what did you want to ask me?" Says Avatar Roku.

"How did you know-" Mizuki gets cut off by Roku.

"You were calling for help, and I happened to hear your call" Informs Roku while Mizuki raises her eyebrow confused. How does he know my name, and that I needed help? Mizuki takes a deep breath before explaining how she got here and why. She also explained her ability to bend two elements. Avatar Roku didn't seem too surprised, he actually seemed a little relieved?

"Let me explain. There's a war going on for a hundred years now, and the Avatar hasn't been found yet. When you were born you didn't have the ability to airbend. But the spirits saw a vision of your parents dying, which meant the Air Nomads would go extinct unless the Avatar would be found. So we decided to give you the ability to airbend. You were the only hope for the Air Nomads, and we're counting on you to find the Avatar. I know it's a big responsibility, but you have proven yourself to be worthy. I believe you can find the Avatar and help him master the four elements" Explains Roku. Mizuki's eyes widen out of shock. I'm supposed to find the Avatar and put an end to the war? But it's been a hundred years and nobody has been able to do anything about the war. And my parents are...dead? Mizuki started to cry.

"But I'm just a kid" She cries out while looking up at Avatar Roku.

"I know. Fate hasn't been the kindest to you, now has it?" Roku looks at Mizuki with empathy before wiping her tears away.

"But I know you can do it Mizuki. You didn't make it this far for nothing" Reassures Roku. Mizuki looks at the ground with teary eyes before sighing.

"I...I want to find the Avatar and put an end to this war. No one deserves to lose their loved ones, or themselves" Says Mizuki determined while looking at Avatar Roku.

"So, where exactly is the Avatar? I'd love to help him, I've got nothing to lose anyway" Avatar Roku thinks for a few seconds before answering Mizuki's question.

"I do not know where the Avatar may be, but I'll try to help you find him" Replies Roku while Mizuki sighs. Of course Roku doesn't know where the Avatar is. If he had known where the Avatar was, he would of contacted him.

"Okay. How will I be able to speak to you?" Asks Mizuki. How will I be able to talk to Roku? He's literally an Avatar, I can't just summond him.

"You'll be able to find me in the spirit world. After all, your spirit is connected to the Avatar's spirit. Which means we are also connected in some way" States Roku. I guess that makes sense, does that mean I'll be able to speak to other past Avatars as well?

"I see. Roku, where could I possibly find the Avatar? I don't have much food left to travel, I want to find the Avatar immediately" Asks Mizuki. It's true, I can't waste any time. I have to find the Avatar as fast as possible.

"Fate will take you to the Avatar" Suddenly, Roku disappears and Mizuki realizes she had lost connection to the spirit world.

"Damnit!" I was finally getting some information! But what was the whole 'fate' thing about? I guess I'll have to find out, for now I think it's time to leave. I should continue my journey. Avatar Roku told me that fate would bring me to the Avatar, which means I should just continue traveling. Great. Mizuki picks up her small bag and prepares to leave. Before leaving the Air Temple sanctuary she stares at Roku's statue for a bit. Thanks for helping me Roku, even though the information you gave me was pretty much useless. It gave me motivation to keep on going.

To be continued

Word count: 1.134

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