Chapter 39 - a comet

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- Third POV -

"Why did you help the Avatar?" Asks Zuko angrily.

"Because it was once the sages' duty. It still is our duty" Replies Shyu proudly.

"What a moving and heartfelt performance. I'm certain the Fire Lord will understand, when you explain why you betrayed him" Mocks Zhao while clapping his hands. He approaches with six firebender guards. The Fire Sages place their palms together and bow.

"And Prince Zuko. It was a noble effort, but your little smokescreen didn't work" Continues Zhao. Zuko scowls at him.

"Two traitors in one day, the Fire Lord will be pleased" Chuckles Zhao.

"You're too late Zhao! The Avatar's inside and the doors are sealed" Snaps Zuko.

"No matter. Sooner or later, he has to come out" Replies Zhao. Katara and Sokka share a worried glance while Mizuki glances at Zhao. Suddenly, Zhao turns around and stares right into her eyes. Mizuki immediately looks away nervously.

"Looks like I've finally found you" Says Zhao as he approaches Mizuki. He grabs her chin, forcing her to look at him. Katara and Sokka give Zhao an angry look.

"What do you want from me" Snaps Mizuki. Zhao chuckles evilly while turning around to face the Fire Nation soldiers. Zuko notices this and glares at Zhao. 

"Soldiers, take her to the ship. Make sure she doesn't get a chance to fight back" Demands Zhao. The soldiers loosen the rope, grab Mizuki and tie her hands behind her back. After doing so, they tie the rope again. Making sure that Sokka and Katara can't escape. Two soldiers guide Mizuki towards the stairs. But Mizuki stops walking and looks back at Katara and Sokka. However, the soldiers grab her by her arms and lift her with ease.

"Don't touch me" Says Mizuki in a hostile tone. Katara and Sokka look at each other with a concerned expression on their faces.

"Quiet" Snaps the soldier on Mizuki's right. Zuko watches Mizuki with guilt in his eyes. Mizuki lifts her legs up and stomps on the soldiers feet. She immediately rushes down the stairs. The soldiers groan in pain.

"What are you doing?! Go catch her!" Shouts Zhao angrily. The two soldiers quickly rush down the stairs.

"Did Mizuki just...leave?" Whispers Katara confused. 


"I have something very important to tell you Aang. That is why, when you were in the Spirit World, I sent my dragon to find you" States Roku.

"Is it about that vision? The one of the comet?" Asks Aang curiously.

"Yes" Replies Roku.

"What does it mean?" Asks Aang.

"One hundred years ago. Fire Lord Sozin used that comet to begin the war. He and his firebending army harnessed its incredible power, and dealt a deadly first strike against the other nations" Begins Roku.

"So the comet made them stronger?" Asks Aang.

"Yes. Stronger than you could even imagine" Answers Roku in a serious tone.

"But that happened a hundred years ago. What does the comet have to do with the war now?" Says Aang confused. Roku sighs.

"Listen carefully. Sozin's Comet will return by the end of this summer, and the Fire Lord will use its power to finish the war. Once and for all. If he succeeds, even the Avatar won't be able to restore balance to the world. Aang, you must defeat the Fire Lord before the comet arrives" Explains Roku. Aang's eyes widen out of shock.

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