Chapter 52 - hired?

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- Third POV -

Aang's sitting on Appa's head while flying through some clouds that are slightly yellow. Sudddenly, he notices Sokka who's using his glider to fly next to him. Sokka grins at Aang, who returns the gesture. Aang looks to his right, revealing Katara sitting atop the head of an enormous Momo. Mizuki's sitting next to her as she waves at Aang.

"We need you Aang" They whisper. Aang blinks confused before answering.

"I need you too" He says. Suddenly, the sky turns dark, ominous gray. A churning storm cloud approaches him.

"Guys?" Aang looks around in the hope to find Mizuki, Katara or Sokka. But they're nowhere to be found. Aang's expression changes to one of fright. All of a sudden, Aang sees Gyatso float downward, positioning himself in front of him.

"Gyatso?" Gasps Aang surprised. I thought he was...gone.

"Why did you disappear?" Whispers Gyatso in an upset tone.

"I didn't mean to" Replies Aang in a weak voice, trying to hold back his tears. Aang reaches out to Gyatso, but before he can touch him, Gyatso turns gray and dissipates into smoke. The smoke blows over Aang, causing him to raise his left arm in front of his face and turn away to shield himself from it. As the last of the smoke washes over him, Aang peeks over his arm, but instantly raises his head. His eyes grow in shock. A dark shadow passes over him while Aang and Appa are being swallowed by a dark cloud.

"We need you Aang" Aang gulps nervously, what's going on? A bolt of lightning strikes next to Appa, causing Aang to scream. Aang struggles with the reins, as he and Appa are caught in the belly of the storm with rain beating down on them. Aang and Appa fall into the ocean. Aang's hands lose grip on Appa's reins as they slip from his limp grasp.

"We need you Aang" Aang isn't able to recognize the mysterious voice, but it sounds very familiar. The voice keeps on repeating the same sentence while Aang sinks and disappears into the darkness of the ocean. For a fraction of a second, lightning strikes once again, and the silhouette of the Fire Lord surrounded by flames appears. Suddenly, Aang wakes up while gasping for air and shooting upright. He startles Momo, who was curled up on top of Aang. Momo leaps onto Mizuki's stomach, causing her to shoot up with a startled look on her face. Momo does the same to Sokka and Katara, who wake up as well.

"What's going on? Did we get captured again?" Mumbles Sokka who's still sleepy and wielding his dagger and boomerang.

"You really do sleep with your boomerang" Snickers Mizuki. Sokka glares at her in annoyance, but is too tired to come up with a come back. Mizuki literally sleeps with atleast two weapons!

"It's nothing. I just had a bad dream" Says Aang as he looks down. Mizuki raises her eyebrow in disbelief, he's definitly lying.

"Go back to sleep" Mumbles Aang as he curls up, facing away from his friends.

"Don't have to tell me twice" Replies Sokka as he goes back to sleep. Mizuki and Katara look at each other with concerned expressions written on their faces.

"Are you all right Aang?" Asks Katara.

"I'm okay"

"You seem to be having a lot of nightmares lately. Do you want to talk about it?" Mentions Mizuki while Aang's eyes widen in surprise. How did she know I was having nightmares? Mizuki was a light sleeper, so whenever Aang was talking in his sleep or turning around, she could hear him. And after a while, she figured out he had been having nightmares. But, about what?

"I think I just need some rest" Lies Aang before briefly closing his eyes.

"You guys want to hear about my dream?" Interrupts Sokka while Katara glares at him. Sokka returns the gesture and crosses his arms. Is he really that jealous of all the attention Aang is getting? Or could it be that...

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