Chapter 61 - fortune teller

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- Third POV -

"Oh, come on. Fortune telling is nonsense!" Argues Sokka annoyed.

"You never know" Shrugs Mizuki while Aang unwraps the mysterious parcel the traveling man gave them, which turns out to be a red umbrella. He opens it and holds it over his head.

"What do you know? An umbrella!" Exclaims Aang as the sky darkens and it begins to rain. A low rumble of thunder can be heard. Mizuki bends an arched shield of water over her head to shelter herself from the weather. Katara does the same.

"That proves it!" Says Katara as she ducks under the umbrella.

"No, it doesn't! You can't really tell the future!" Protests Sokka as he holds an egg above his head to shield himself from the rain.

"I guess you're not really getting wet then" Replies Katara smugly while Mizuki ducks under the umbrella as well. Sokka suddenly loses his grip on the platypus egg as it flies through the air. He attempts to catch it, however, it merely flies a few feet into the air and lands on his head, cracking and causing the egg to run down his face.

"Sokka get under the umbrella. You're going to catch a cold, again. I'm tired of healing you" Says Mizuki dramatically.

"Of course she predicted it was going to rain. The sky's been gray all day!" Exclaims Sokka annoyed.

"Just admit you might be wrong, and you can come under the umbrella" States Katara.

"Look, I'm going to predict the future now" Begins Sokka as he stops walking and turns around to face the others.

"It's going to keep drizzling. See?" Suddenly, the rain stops falling and sky lightens up slightly. Aang tilts the umbrella back to observe the dramatic change in weather.

"Not everyone has the gift, Sokka" Teases Aang.


There's a small village, which lies at the mountain's base. Aang, Mizuki, Katara, and Sokka walk through the entrance of the village. They approach a building where a man is standing. The stranger is dressed in a black robe.

"Aunt Wu is expecting you" States the man calmly.

"Really?" Beams Katara excited as the enters the building. The teenagers enter a room where four pillows are laying on the floor to the right of the room. A young girl walks into the room in a pink robe and wearing her hair in braids that stick out from the sides of her head.

"My name is Meng and I'm Aunt Wu's assistant" Greets the girl. Mizuki and Katara bow respectfully while Aang and Sokka look around. The moment Meng sees Aang, her eyes widen out of surprise.

"Well, hello there" Says Meng in a pleased tone.

"Hello" Replies Aang as he rubs his nose in disinterest. The teenagers seat themselves on the pillows.

"Can I get you some tea or some of Aunt Wu's special bean curd puffs?" Offers Meng.

"I'll try a curd puff!" Beams Mizuki excited.

"Me too!" Sokka raises his hand.

"Just a second" Says Meng as she holds up her index finger.

"Are you copying me again?" Teases Mizuki while Sokka starts to smirk.

"What are you going to do about it?"

"Ack!" Exclaims Sokka as Mizuki throws her pillow at him and giggles.

"Oh, you're so dead" Says Sokka as he grabs his pillow and jumps over to Mizuki, who tries to dodge him but fails. The two start a pillow fight.

"So what's your name?" Asks Meng as she looks at Aang.

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