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Then Scott knocked on my door. "Can I come in?" Scott asked calmly.

"Sure!" I yelled back and I sat up on my bed. Scott entered my room, with a smile.

"Me and stiles are going to a party do you want to come?" He asked as he just stood in my door way like a complete idiot. Like he was like a dummy.

"Sure but I'm not changing so yeah!" I sighed as I got of my bed. I still had my clothes on from school. But I'm not in the mood to change.

I went down with Scott to see stiles eating Isaac's cereal in the middle of the afternoon, on the couch.

"Where's Isaac?" I asked looking at stiles.

"With Derek " stiles said with a mouth full of cereal.

I grinned my teeth together and I left the house and went to the jeep. Scott and stiles followed and we got in the jeep and we went to the house.

Isaac left me and didn't even say he was going anywhere. He normally does. I get that there trying to find Erica and Boyd but he could have told me. I could help!

"Don't give me that look!" I heard Stiles say to Scott.

"What look?" Scott said. He was clearly thinking something.

"The look that says the last thing you feel like doing is going to a party!" Stiles said doing the hand gestures he normally does. This party sounds boring but either this or staying at home.

"Well I just came here because I had no other option!" I said before we went up to the house. It was true.

"Well can you at least tell me what type of party it is?" Scott asked looking around.

Then we went into the house and Scott still never got his answer. We entered and there was a lot of people.

I saw a blonde girl with her friend. Me being nosy I eve's dropped in there conversation.


"Really tonight?"


"You know your first time is usually sorta gross, and it kinda hurts"

Then I stopped listening to there conversation and tried to stay away from people. I hate parties.

"Stiles! Hi" the blonde girl said as she came over to us.

'Please go away! Please go away!' I thought to myself. Knowing she only came over to have sex with Stiles.

"Hey! There's the birthday gir.." stiles started before she interrupted him with a kiss. Her friend rolled her eyes and walked away.

"So glad you made it!" She said once she backed away from stiles.

"Me too!" Stiles smiled

"Come downstairs with me and help me pick out a bottle of wine!" She said. Yep definitely just thinking about sex. Probably why she invited him.

Stiles smiled and she took his hand and they went downstairs. Now I was left with Scott.

Couple hours later stiles came running back up. "What is? Are we leaving?" I asked as stiles left the house. I looked at Scott and he shrugged his shoulders and we went to the jeep.

I went home and Isaac was sat on the couch. I sat next to him. "Hey" he said as he changed the channel on the tv. Not even looking at me.

"'Hey' you leave me and all you say is hey!" I yelled kinda at him. I was pretty annoyed at him.

"Ok im sorry I thought you were sleeping or something... anyway you wanna watch a movie?" Isaac asked finally looking at me.

I sighed, "what movie?" Smiling slightly.

"Ummm... the notebook?" Isaac said, okay he was planning something.

I gave him a look and then I sighed, " ok fine but it's not my favourite!"

"Well I've never watched it and Lydia said it's  a good movie.." Isaac explained. Okay that explains it he's been talking to Lydia about something.

I put on The notebook, watched it. I rested my head on Isaac's shoulder and I slowly ended up falling asleep.

That's the first time it happened. And I only watched half the movie. I've never fell asleep on him before, but it was nice. Really nice.

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